Space Island One
Space Island One
| 07 January 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    movietode I am tired of lackluster US Sci Fi and I found a place to get copies of this show, so I decided to try it out. The writing is generally poor and so is the direction. It has the feeling of being produced by a committee. The characters miss glaringly obvious queues of the things going on around them, and there is virtually no effort made to build new stories using continuity from older ones. Several of the characters just keep making the same sort of mistakes in their lives, that in reality would have gotten them tossed out of their jobs. Part of the problem is that the characters don't really grow in their roles, and I really didn't end up caring about any of them (this is the ultimate test of a good show). Space Island One is a sleeper of a show, but still, it was good enough that I watched all the episodes and liked a few. A best-in-class low-budget British show where the characters did grow, the acting was fantastic and the stories layered really well was Blake's 7.
    bug_from_space This show did not have a big budget, or action packed stories, but it captured the feeling of the old British sci-fi shows of the 80's.I liked the show for it's distinctive atmosphere, and the easily-likeable characters. It was a good break from Star Trek clone shows (although I generally do like those shows too :).If you liked shows like Blake's 7, this show is for you, although the special effects are distinctly better than the effects in Blake.
    Urtica This is a show that some may think a bit too dry. There are no cool graphics or sound effects. All there is is a good plot and characters with depth. It is not a show to just watch one of -- you will be confused. One of the things that I like about it is that there are very few people and they are within a limited space. Not a lot of visitors or other distractions. Most of the show is how the group acts within itself and to some outside stimuli. It is definitely more of a character study than anything else.If you are looking for flashy, this is not for you. If you want something that has substance, then it may be.
    ffordegroupie Now this was just awful! When I stayed in Canada, I watched this show one week. I was intrigued by the storyline, but felt my interest waning with each passing week. Soon, I could barely stand it.It is probably the most realistic science fiction show I have ever seen--more so than Star Trek, Earth: Final Conflict, Babylon 5, ad nauseam. And that isn't a good thing. The realism means that it plays out like "Daily Life on the Space Shuttle", except it's a space station. The characters were all indistinguishable from each other, and the plots generally centered around corporate problems concerning the owners of the station, or a plot about the corporate problems, or one character attempting to seduce another with the use of pheramones.It's so realistic that you won't enjoy it.