Space Cats
Space Cats
| 14 September 1991 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    SaxxoneGirly I haven't seen this show for years, but I remember how much fun it was! The Space Cats were led by Captain Tom, and his two sidekicks were Scratch, and Sniff. The disembodied head really freaked me out, but he was quite funny. They were always going round solving mysteries or crimes, from "a base so secret even they don't know where they are". A weird mix of animation and puppets, but I really loved it.A lot of the humour was physical and slapstick but it's a kid's cartoon so what do you expect? It was almost Laurel-and-Hardyesque, as Captain Tom keeps trying to be professional and solve things properly and the other two just mucked around or got into trouble. A great show though, I wish they'd bring it back!Da dada da da daaaa... SPACE CATS!
    thunderboltgreg I loved "Spacecats"!!!!!!They should make "Spacecats" available on VHS.Or, make "Spacecats" available on DVD.Someday, I hope "Spacecats" is on Cartoon Network!!!
    witter1980 somehow through my imdb hopping i got connected to SpaceCats. i don't remember much about it though i was only 11 when it was on. but i DO remember watching it EVERY Saturday without a doubt. it was mostly animated with some SpaceCat puppets in between (the puppets reminded me a lot of the HORRIBLE ALF! yes, i know we all watched ALF back in the 80s but looking back now i can't tell you why. anyway, this was a cute cartoon and i hope maybe it'll pop up from the vaults of the Cartoon Network like it has done with other lost treasures. THANKS for taking the time to read this!
    Jethro9834 I saw this a few times, and basically it just reminded me of cats that sounded like ALF, what a freaky show! its too bad that it is not on anymore, I saw it like once or twice, but it was too weird for me, but I would like to see it now. weird show, but interesting