The Beautiful Lie
The Beautiful Lie
| 18 October 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    matt-rixon I think it's a little sad that people approach this charming mini-series expecting familiar Anna Karenina players, dialogue and scenery. I don't think the creators ever intended that. It exudes charm, wit and passion from the very start, but in its own way. Sure, matching the characters with their Tolstoy counterparts is entertaining, but this modern story stands alone. The character portrayals are engaging and the adaptation of the plot accessible to everyone. The Australian brand humour is masterful and draws well on multiple comedians in the cast. Celia Pacquola as Dolly is especially rewarding. Sarah Snook in the lead role of Anna is a revelation. Such a virtuoso! She is definitely someone to watch out for (go ahead and put her on your watch list). Even the creepy and sleazy Skeet, whom we can't help but dislike (or maybe that is just me) plays the role so you want to see the next creepy thing he'll do. The only let down for me was the music. Skeet is a musician / mixer. The sounds coming from his group during the show, and sometimes used as interlude music, is a slow wailing death. All in all it's a funny and tragic love story with a ton of story line and characters to keep you laughing, frowning and perplexed by the actions of seemingly sensible people who will become your friends. I guarantee you'll miss these friends after the final episode.
    bjarias One of the key lines of the series.. "with Skeet I feel like a starving person who's been given food... and with Xander I think I've married an abacus". Anna discovers and is completely consumed by unbridled sex. And finds herself incapable/ unwilling of making the sacrifice to abandon it.. and what comes next permanently locks her in, and ultimately determines her fate. You must watch it more than once to truly discover how remarkable a production it really is. This is one of the great new relationship series you will come across, and Sarah Snook's portrayal of Anna is beyond just good, she is absolutely mesmerizing. By far, her most outstanding work to date.. and it is her performance that drives this series, and makes it well worth the time spent watching. I think she is just an amazing actor.. ever since seeing her in 'Not Suitable For Children'. If you have not seen this wonderful little film, be sure and search it out, it is by far one of the best of the recent rom-com genre. There's little doubt, she's one of the top acting talents out there today. The Beautiful Lie is another well produced AU drama. The Australians just seem to be able to crank them out with such ease.. wish we could do as well here in this country. This is an easy 10 rating, and would go higher if possible.. don't dare miss it.
    Tushpi I am not really sure how true to the famous novel this telling is. I have never read the book. Viewing this with no pre conceived notions I find it very enjoyable. The main characters are very appealing visually and you can't help connecting emotionally. Kitty and Anna are both beautiful in totally different ways and both flawed and frustrating in different ways as well. At times I found myself rooting for each of them and other times wishing to shake them for their self centerness and foolishness. Either way they are compulsively watchable, light up the screen. These two actresses will go far I am sure. Overall it is a very talented cast. All of the supporting cast turn in fine performances, are very well written. Perhaps Kitty's parents characters are a bit lightly drawn. I love this series and commend all involved. Good TV viewing.
    ferdinand1932 Taking the story of a classic like Anna Karenina is at once an appealing notion, rather like reworking Shakespeare in a modern version, and a way to see it again. The issue here is that the revision is just one story of the great novel; it's an adaptation of all the previous film versions and therefore dispenses with the other more interesting material in the novel to leave only the melodramatic and increasingly psychotic romance.What is shown in the TV series is typical in contemporary styling: the usual camera angles, the settings in homes and airports, with standard everyday dialog. The dialog in this version has a soap opera quality, like Neighbors in its banality and ordinariness. Some dialog is clumsy and akin to adolescent expression in its deliberate use of image and metaphor but poorly written and the overall effect is inept. The voice over narrator is less accomplished, both unnecessary and questions the purpose of the drama as it fills in the back story of all the characters.This is a stale and cliché borne infested production which has meretriciously yoked a great book in order to market itself and thereby disguise its defects and lack of artistic value. It didn't need a Russian novel at all; the old book serves no use at all because this is simply a modern adultery story which is really just day-time soap opera. The Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov had a Russian word for this: poshlost, which in English means, kitsch, pretentious rubbish.