South Pacific
South Pacific
TV-G | 10 May 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micransix Crappy film
    BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    TheLittleSongbird 'South Pacific' is a hugely informative and exceptionally well-made series. Inevitable, though some may argue unfair, comparisons may be (have been in fact) made to the output of David Attenborough, to me 'South Pacific' is one of the better documentary series in recent years to not have Attenborough's name on it and stands wonderfully on its own, if just lacking the special magic of Attenborough's best work.There are so many great things here in 'South Pacific'. Its premise is dealt with exceptionally in every single episode, the environments, how they're lived in, how the humans adapt to the environments, there are some very interesting topics and important ones handled truly admirably. Also in a way that is illuminating but not preachy (which is a potential danger with anything environmental-themed and a danger often fallen into).Sure, there could have been a touch more clarity in parts, but there is very little to dislike here.When it comes to how it's written, 'South Pacific' does just as good a job entertaining and teaching, it's all very sincerely done and it never feels like a sermon. There are things here that are common sense and knowledge but one is taught a huge deal as well.Benedict Cumberbatch's narration delivery is similarly on the money, very sensitively delivered, engaging and sonorous. Visually, 'South Pacific' may lack the awe-inspiring, almost cinematic quality of the David Attenborough documentaries. With that being said, it is gorgeously shot, shot in a fluid, graceful and never static way, and is chock-full of strikingly memorable images. In every episode, the scenery and environments are like characters of their own, they're all incredible to look at and have a lot of atmosphere.Every episode is appropriately scored, never intrusive or too low-key, and the different stories are powerful in a harrowing and poignant way, not to mention very honest and visually striking.In summary, beautifully made, educational and emotional, basically a winner. 9/10 Bethany Cox
    altafnpatel This is outstanding series of exploration of region never filmed or no human ever seen before. The way stories are covered are very well organized and gives pleasant when watching. There are plethora of shots which clearly seem to be taken with well planning and patience with perfect angle and position.Every series prepared with rhythmic storyline. For example, Endless Blue starts with lost sailors and move towards life of sperm whale, and then go in-depth of middle south-pacific to explore species that we never ever seen and never filmed before or say explored by anyone.Use of high-definition and slow-motion cameras makes the scenes perfect
    Rindiana Another excellent BBC wildlife documentary featuring breathtaking high-definition photography and a detailed overview on diverse aspects related to earth's biggest ocean such as insular evolution and environmental activities. While the didactic approach of Attenborough's "Life"-series is still unsurpassed in its clarity and empathy, there's more than enough informative material gathered to fill six joyous hours.Be prepared to be stunned by the brilliant use of slow motion. A technical triumph in all departments! 8 out of 10 killer waves
    HallenbeckJoe I'm usually not a big fan of documentaries, but "South Pacific BBC" is an exception. This 6-part BBC mini-series of the South Pacific shows not only clichéd postcard-style images, but also the south pacific's diverse wildlife, people, history and its condition today.Interesting stories alternate with amazing images from the air as well as in the water. At the end of every Episode, the "South Pacific Diaries" show the difficulties the team experienced while filming and the high-tech material they used.As the BBC is not only ad-driven, they were able to invest a huge amount of money, which pays off: top-notch direction, sound, narrating and image quality (check the blu-ray!). I see no big flaws, only the wildlife parts are in a few cases a bit boring.