Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Scarecrow and Mrs. King
TV-14 | 03 October 1983 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    chrissybaby76 It wasn't until my early 20s when I first started watching the show (lifetime started re-airing them). I worked nights so I came home and found the show. It was an instant favorite for me. And quickly started stalking for information about when it was to be release onto DVD. I have the first season and am anxiously awaiting season two in about month. The chemistry between the main characters where great. It is refreshing to watch a show and be surprised by it. Today shows are based on one thing and one thing alone: shock value! To be able to watch this type of show and see the solid storyline, the wonderful chemistry between actors/actresses makes it refreshing. I'm shore that once the two characters admitted feelings and married it may have lost a little something but I think it still holds strong and gave them a whole new level to play on. I'm glad that the show is still on in re-runs, and that a whole new generation will be falling in love with this wonderful show.
    gmogge I have never before enjoyed a TV series as much as I have enjoyed, "Scarecrow and Mrs. King". There was great chemistry between Kate and Bruce along with action, mystery, and comedy. And even though it's labeled as "old" it's far more entertaining than these silly reality shows that are polluting every channel. I was very upset when PAX (the only channel with it airing) took it out of its line-up. I wasn't happy with how PAX had dubbed minor swear words out of the show but at least it was airing. I was able to tape a number of the episodes but they're of very poor quality (due to the fact there's at least 4 on each tape) and VHS tapes won't last forever. I hope they release the show on DVD soon. No matter what the price I'd buy it.
    bluedancechild As I read so many of the user comments, I thought it amusing and funny that it sounds this show reached an unexpected audience. I was really young when my mom would record the show while she was at work, come home really late, and play the tape for us. While other little kids were playing Transformers and Barbies, I was playing as if I were a divorced housewife with two kids who suddenly becomes a spy. The show has at its core the concept that made shows like "Buffy" popular. They take ordinary average everyday girls, the girls and women who get overlooked, and they made them superheroes with "falable knights on white horses" or as in the case of "Scarecrow and Mrs.King" a really neat silver car.Yeah, so it is a little cheesy and predictable but I think today, when everything is so not cheesy and predictable it's nice to pop in an old tape of "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" episodes and watch and be reminded that sometimes happy ever after does exist.
    thousandisland I watched this series all the time when I was little. Bruce Boxleitner is a great actor and really shines as the star, Scarecrow. As I watch it nowadays I feel that he must have enjoyed this series a lot, as he seems so natural and comfortable in his role. This is a cute, endearing show based on a simple premise. The first few seasons are especially great to watch, as the contrast between Lee and Amanda is most striking before their romantic relationship develops. (The fourth and fifth seasons are not quite as interesting, but they're inevitable) It's kind of a Lady and the Tramp story set in Washington, DC, with Lee being a charismatic government spy/ladies man, and Amanda a sweet, suburban single mother. What makes this duo so charming is the culture clash between their two worlds. He is forever "burdened" by her ineptness when it comes to government work, and she is always critiquing his lifestyle and trying to get him to live more like a normal, "real person".. Their unlikely partnership leads to plenty of fun and adventure for the audience, and eventual romance that is (fortunately) postponed for as long as possible. The writers and producers seem to know exactly what the viewers want, the guy and girl who like eachother but can't say it or deal with it, and end up tiptoeing around the issue for three seasons... except for the occasional hint or inuendo, executed with perfect style. "Charlie's Angels" fans will have fun seeing Kate Jackson in this different, motherly role, and I think most females will find it very hard to resist the boyish and talented Boxleitner. His skill with dialogue delivery is beyond compare. This series is a classic, great for anyone who likes a little action, humor and romance. It's best seen from the beginning, so you can really appreciate the relationship between these two TV greats.