| 24 May 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    asainty-53641 Rovers is a fantastic TV show which is about a non league team called Redbridge rovers who aren't a very good side at all. It has many funny moments and many funny characters who are all great fun . If u liked royal family or are into anykind of fun jolly comedy then this program could be for u. I wish there were more episodes and I'm waiting eagerly for more.This is a great new TV show with loads of funny moments. I just could not stop watching.All the characters are great especially Pete (craig crash). Sue Johnston as Dory was also an excellent performance. I would highly recommend it. Can't wait for the next season!!!!!
    tlloydesq Craig Cash's odyssey through comedies in limited situations continues with Rovers – set in the club house of Redbridge Rovers, a semi professional English football team in levels 7 & 8 of the footballing pyramid.Is it a problem that Rovers' number 1 support Cash is also executive producer and director of the show? Having multiple roles means difficulties reigning in Craig's more excitable moments. But nothing is perfect.Those familiar with "Early Doors" will recognise the setup: a group of locals gather in the club house before and after games. They all have their own seats where they settle for the day. Conversation can be limited to a single group or can travel around the bar. In fact step forward director Cash for a smooth transition between different groups. "Royle Family" favourite Sue Johnson turns in a good performance as bar manager Doreen. Otherwise the acting is solid. The script is okay and grows as the first series progresses. You have to watch the whole first series to really get an appreciation of the show. Individual episodes lead you to miss the bigger picture. The humour is ribald but doesn't step over any lines. And there are a few teary moments.So a decent first series and hopefully more to come.
    Ian Gregg Loved this.Excellent group of actors all very low key. Well written.I'd like to see more of their writing.Really hope this gets a second series.It's inoffensive and that is not a bad thing.Characters are beautifully portrayed.Having been a supporter of a non league team, it's not totally removed from reality.It had laugh out loud moments as well as genuine cringe-worthy bits.Look, it's got Sue Johnson in it, so it's going to be very watchable! Well worth watching. Go on. Give it a go.
    lee_bottomley I saw this new sit com advertised on sky and watched it with great anticipation. In my opinion it was a complete load of rubbish. I was waiting for something funny to happen and some clever dialogue but sadly it didn't deliver at all. Someone asking for a cheese toasted sandwich and the barmaid being reminded to ask them if they want tomato sauce or not is simply not funny or entertaining. Having an in depth discussion about a black baby is also not funny in any way whatsoever. And referring to someone as Sloshing it about ? When you look at the skills of John Sullivan who wrote only fools and horses this sitcom insults your intelligence. I was led to believe that a sitcom pilot episode must tick all of the boxes and grab the viewers interest. You should have a real good laugh and look forward to the next episode. I feel like I wasted 30 mins of my life and one episode was enough for me. Don't waste your time. Put only fools and horses on instead.