Room 104
Room 104
TV-MA | 28 July 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    krotkruton-447-902827 At first, I thought I was watching another Twilight Zone or Black Mirror, and I was excited about that. But as the series goes on, I wasn't sure what I was watching anymore. I watched episodes 1-6. These episodes ranged from pretty predictable Twilight Zone-style plots to touching dramas to whatever the hell happened with the cult episode to literally 30 minutes of interpretive dance. So after 6 episodes, I'm calling it quits. I don't think it's a bad thing to question or be surprised about what you're watching, but there's a limit to that. If I'm in the mood for sports, I don't want to see a psychological thriller. If I'm in the mood for sci-fi action, I don't want a Charlie Chaplin silent film. The problem with Room 104 is that you don't know what you're watching until you've watched it (and with some episodes, you still don't know what you watched). It's like committing to watching whatever channel you land on after mashing the buttons on your remote.With that said, the production values are pretty good, there are some good actors, and 1 of the 6 episodes had a twist that surprised me, so I gave it a 3/10.
    lambiepie-2 I like anthology series like this offered by HBO because of the visions of the individual directors and writers who present their stories. And the more opportunities writers/directors get a chance to make Room 104 work, I believe the better. The question is, will today's audiences wait for it or just believe it may never get there because it didn't meet their perceived expectations of "scary-horror room" to begin with.It's fair to assume that Room 104 is the star -- not the other way around with "the people" so to speak - which I think is why it is scoring low. Those looking for horror, it's a different kind of horror, from an interesting perspective of something that saw it all. The room.The stories are somewhat interesting so far, not diving into the scary and unknown and not so chilling as expected, but what has happened behind closed doors in a hotel room. It's HBO so I did expect a "scary, creepy hotel room" as it seemed to be advertised as such, but not this series. It's humanistic through the telling of the hotel room, more or less. I've watched each episode twice, except for two (Pizza Boy and The Internet) twice, and this most recent to date, "Voyeurs" four times so far and I'm going to watch it again -- it's sad and beautiful.The Episode "Ralphie" was a very familiar story with a tiny change to make it watchable. "Pizza Boy" started off well and had quite the twist, but I've seen enough of it to get it. "The Knockadoo" was the craziest/wildest to me, and I watched it twice because of all the 'cult/ripping off of money for religion' aspects of it that I had no idea it was going to end that way. "I Knew You Weren't Dead" I watched twice because it could have been so much better, more creeper and the story more sinister and it would have been a knock out of the park.The episode, "The Internet" I watched once because it started out funny. Really funny and seemed to want to take you back to the "good old days" of the computer generation gap. But then it turned serious, but that seriousness let you in on something that questioned the viewer to believe, was it a real story, or something mom would do to motivate her child into something wonderful, and save him from getting totally rejected on something he thought was great. This one takes some thought and anyone who has ever written and wanted to 'make it' will like this story--others, maybe not so much. And there's nothing wrong with that because it depends on where the concentration lies - the old internet ideas of young knowing technology vs. old people set in their ways (Mom tells him, people used to use a pen and paper to write!) or the son-mother relationship -and not knowing is maybe why this doesn't work so much. It is an interesting episode and deserves a closer look.And finally, so far, the episode that captured my attention, 'Voyeurs'. There is so much beauty and sadness there, and let me admit, I am a fan of ballet and choreography and lighting -- and understand how the body was used to tell the story. It is not going to be a favorite of everyone's, but it is already a favorite of mine. Do you have to like ballet to enjoy this one? No. There's more going on but the ballet and choreography to tell it all is beautiful. I could identify because I don't know how I would react to my younger-self after a lifetime and seeing my younger self at a crossroads that might have changed my direction. The actresses Dendrie Taylor (the Housekeeper) and her younger-self, Sarah Hay (who is accomplished in ballet) are so worth watching. Dendrie and Sarah are just wonderful together in their craft at two different ages/stages - the director Dayna Hanson choreographed this so well and that is what kept my interest.There are a few more episodes and I hope this is not a canceled series, but one that can invite more writers - the ones who are writing and directing more scary/horror stories to work in as well as these. Those who know this is a room exposing its stories of its visitors that run the human relationships-gambit from weird to melancholy to the audience is what needs to be focused on instead of every episode "scary spooky horror". However, there needs to be some "scary spooky horror" added in as in this first round, there hasn't been any -- yet.An interesting anthology series for HBO on a Friday evening, I enjoyed it so far, I would ask for those to wipe away expectations and view it again as it is and not as they may have wanted. BUt I also think a few "scary-horror or thriller" ones would be good too.
    Ahmad Fadlan Amin Room 104 is Anthological series with different story in each episode. Every episode is a dark-ish comedy-drama with twist and turn. The "comedy" is really subtle that i don't think it should be included in comedy genre ( IMDb currently label Room 104 genre as comedy,drama ). The story is really different from each episode, so you can't really expect what story gonna be in every episode. But after i watch 4 episodes , my conclusion is that every episode has some dark twist in it. Some of the twist are darker than other. The storyline in every episode is not bad , but it's doesn't reach the expectation it should have in order to make a single-set production work. It's understandable that some people might find it "claustrophobic" to watch because literally , they shoot the whole scene in one set. That's why good screenplay is highly needed to make this series good , and sadly Room 104 can't fulfill this and make this series kinda boring. And this is probably the only problem this series has ( although it's kinda a fatal mistake ) but other than that , every aspect of this series is quite good. The Acting , cinematography, directing is fine. I don't understand the really low rating this show has ( 6,6 out of 10 ). even that shadowhunter show has better rating than this and that show is the worst series i've ever watched . This series isn't actually that bad , and the pilot episode is actually kinda memorable. 3 out of 4 episode i've watched so far is alright , still enjoyable. I highly recommended you watch the pilot episode ( Ralphie ) the darkest twist this series has so far , the story is really good. it's suitable for a great start and the ending best part. it's really dark that i honestly think it's a horror series I think you should give it a try , you might gonna like it.
    jessica_lynn_corby Like are these ppl perverts and pedophiles!?! Seriously disgusting! I hear about that stuff going on in Hollywood and this show is just messed up. What is wrong with people and society!?! How was this even allowed to air or be produced to begin with? HBO u just disgust me. Where are the morals!?