Rolie Polie Olie
Rolie Polie Olie
TV-Y | 04 October 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    zsofikam For a long time I have watched and enjoyed the show Rolie Polie Olie. To give you a basic summary, the show features a robot boy named Olie living with his family and friends in a fun and entertaining world. Olie dwells in a smiling teapot-shaped house with his parents, grandfather, younger sister Zowie, and dog Spot. Next door is his best friend Billy, who is as square as Olie is round. The dialogue is very cute and funny, especially the use of "okie dokie" and the names for things. For example, in one episode Olie is sick and his mom is making him a snack to eat in bed. The snack is "nuts and noodle soup, fizzy izzy pop, and rolie polie ice cream." I suppose that might turn some people off, but I find it fun and creative. One of the things that I really like about this show is the fact that there aren't any perfect characters. As opposed to some epitome of perfection and greatness like in some shows, Olie is simply your typical everyday kid who just so happens to be a robot. He enjoys spending time with his family, playing with Spot, imitating his parents, hanging out with Billy in his tree house, having adventures, watching the space boy show on TV (telly), and just having fun.
    TheLittleSongbird Right, bear in mind it is aimed at kids, that's why everything is so simple. But the thing is at 18, I like this simplicity. I liked the concept, and very often this show is cute and addictive. The CGI animation is simple, but it is colourful, well done on the whole and effective. The theme song mayn't be to everybody's tastes, but it is nice and memorable for kids to sing along to. The story lines and writing are indeed the epitome of simplicity, and for the better I think; you don't want your children to go "huh, what did he/she say?" which they probably would do if the language was complicated. And the stories did often have some valuable life lessons, when it comes to a kid-oriented show, that is a major plus in my book. The characters aren't bad either, not the most relateable, but they are at least likable and cute, and the voice acting wasn't too bad actually. Overall, very good for kids, adults may not be as impressed, but if the child in question is smiling and laughing you know that's a good sign! 8/10 Bethany Cox
    chupito-1 As a mother I find this show excellent! The first quality of this show is that young kids utterly enjoy it, but also, the characters' voices are not too high-pitched or overly annoying. The music is also not as cheesy as in other kids' shows. Since my 2 year-old daughter watches this, she's learned good moral values like the importance of family and fun and laughter. Thanks to the Baby-bot movie, she is accepting more easily the arrival of her baby sister. Usually, my daughter likes the "stupidest" shows best, but this is actually intelligent and makes ME and my husband laugh from time to time! I recommend it to all parents of young kids. It gives you a few minutes of peace while your offspring has fun and actually learns good things.
    nonni_nonni Rolie Polie Olie is such a sweet show.I love this show, and the kid I babysit loves it, too.It may be a bit too simple for adults, but that's the point. It's for kids, not adults.The 3D Animation is really well done and the content is wholesome. What more can you ask from a kid's show?I recommend it to all parents who want a good show for their kids to watch. Plus, it doesn't sell you a toy, as far as I know so far. There is many shows attached to selling something.Have fun watching with yours or any kid/s!