Reviews on the Run
Reviews on the Run
TV-PG | 01 January 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    Taylor Judgment Day was a far superior game review show to X-Play. I can't believe this show has gotten the boot, while the vastly-inferior X-Play remains on the air. Judgment day gives you TWO perspectives on each product reviewed, whereas X-Play usually just gives you a single, narrow-minded perspective. It's great to see more than one point of view at work. It works for movie reviews, and it works for game reviews too.In addition, this show does NOT have the filler segments that ruined X-Play. Nor does it have an incompetent co-host like Morgan Webb. These two guys LOVE all genres of games and it shows.Perhaps one of my favorite things about this show is that in addition to games, accessories also get reviewed, and branded with a recommended/not recommended tag. Thinking about a particular controller/game accessory? This show will let you know if you should get it or pass.Overall a great show, and definitely better than the horrid mess that is X-Play.
    guitardude10293 I think that this show is extremely fun to watch. I got G4 in August, 2003, and I never really watched it until I found this show, and now it's one of my favorite shows on TV. I am always entertained by critics, and this show provides just that. The best part is listening to all the bad parts of the games. That's one of the main reasons I watch. Always entertaining, even if it's a rerun.
    donfubar Reviews on all the hottest games to come out, with probably the BEST hosting team since Regis and Kathy Lee, it really doesn't get any better than this show!If I was stuck on an Island and only had one show I could watch, Judgment Day would be that show!
    joegee55 Judgment Day combines funny guys and Video games, things you don't see very often. I really recommend this show if you like to see humor mixed with Video game. I really look forward to seeing Tommy and Vic's performances every week, (mostly Tommy's) and to see some of my favorite games get reviewed, I give it a 9.5~Sic