TV-PG | 16 June 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    k-cameron I'm not a huge fan of American comedies, but this was just the pits. The very worst of the worst. The casting is terrible - I realise the whole quintuplets concept is not supposed to be realistic, but this is just too far fetched. They've gone too far with the stereotyping of the quintuplets. The actors all deliver their lines in the same unremarkable manner that is typical of bad comedies. The jokes and one-liners are neither original nor funny. Every single attempt at a joke has been ripped off some other show. The whole thing was very predictable. Don't waste your time watching it - this show will only make you want to bash your head against a wall. I'd like my thirty minutes back please.
    pomellamy I was disappointed by this show. A sitcom about quintuplets and the trials and tribulations between them and their parents. With most new sitcoms i decided to give this one a chance. I watched a few episodes and found that a lot of the episodes were left open ended, but not for dramatic effect, it was almost like everything was rushed because they ran out of airtime.Most teen programmes have morals as well almost like "learning curves" but this one doesn't, its almost as if anything goes, such as bigamy, as their next door neighbour has two partners! This becomes quite frustrating after a while. I appreciate that this show is handling something totally different and trying a different approach but to what expense? Yes, its funny at times but not brilliant.
    Anarchy_chique People are completely missing the point of this show. All of you who find it funny I commend you. Everyone else, you are definitely missing something. Maybe you consider yourself too "mature" to understand the subtle humour that is being a teenager. Okay, so the humour is not exactly subtle, but the characters are played-up versions of typical people that one sees everyday. Although the characters can be somewhat obvious with their speech and actions, you need to remember one thing: This is a SITCOM! It is supposed to be over-acted, over-used and over-played on television stations. I prefer shows in which ones intellect is challenged, but isn't it nice to let your IQ drop a few points every once in a while? Of course, one should follow this closely with a challenging game or a good book, if the intention is not to allow one's self to become ensnared in this sort of program. Although, that is just one fifteen year old's opinion. I only find that being the same age as the proposed characters in this show, I feel that I am more able to understand why going to the prom without ones hair done up properly is a certain type of teenage offense. To know for certain, I encourage you all to sit down in front of the TV without a judgemental thought in your head, and get ready to laugh.
    mjbuchanan80 I have seen a couple of episodes of this show and all I can say is, "Why? Why, Andy?"First off, I am sick of the hot wife/below average looking husband theme that is plaguing sitcoms (According to Jim, King of Queens). Another thing that makes this show a crapbox is the writers decided that we are all a bunch of idiots. We are to believe that among a group of 5 children, WITHIN THE SAME FAMILY, each one is a bad Hollywood sterotype? Please. I would like to think that I am a little more intelligent than that. Also, the "pretty" daughter's acting is beyond horrible - but I guess that just goes to show that if you have a pretty face and a hot ssa then you can find work in Hollywood. The writing and cast is so bad that it's even bringing Richter down to their level! The only real bright spot is the one that plays Patton. At least he knows how to make he's crappy lines funny.2/10...at it's best.