TV-PG | 09 September 2008 (USA)

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    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    SnoopyStyle Megan Smith (JoAnna Garcia) is a Yale-educated journalism major who was hoping for much more when she had a chance to see Palm Beach cosmetics business magnate Laurel Limoges (Anne Archer). Instead, she is offered a live-in tutoring job for her two spoiled grand-daughters Rose Baker (Lucy Hale) and Sage Baker (Ashley Newbrough).The girls start off as spoiled, but it's obvious where this is going. Megan is going to teach them lessons, and they're going to grow on her. So any bickering or mean girl act is all simply just on the surface. I think everybody did a good job playing these standard characters. The series lasted only 1 season. It was probably good for 2 but not much more.
    musicedv I love this show. Best new show of the year. Joanna is like that of Amy Adams. The show is a light and funny comedy full of romance and life lessons for all. Wonderful acting , writing and a chance to see the beach from Florida (nice to mix it up from all the LA shows). It is refreshing to see something so entertaining with some where to go. I feel all characters have a change coming. I for one am thrilled we get to watch it unfold. We can not compare this to anything we have seen before. Watch it shall be entertained to the fullest. I always like to watch and judge a show for myself not let the name or material make you feel foolish for enjoying a delicious hour of suspension of disbelief. Oh, and P.S. this world does exist and most people don't know it. It is unfair to judge the beautiful, smart,wealthy and funny because all 4 of these things make it possible for us to visit their world.
    yossarian100 But without any likable characters, quality writing, or anything remotely resembling wit, meaning this is not like Gilmore Girls at all.I'm three shows in so far and the only thing I can say about the main character is she reminds me of every blonde joke I've ever heard. Yale graduate, huh? Right.And the two rich, spoiled, and bitchy teenage girls? I'm sorry, but we did rich, spoiled, and bitchy teenage girls the right way on Gilmore Girls and these two girls just come off as lame.If I appear to be using Gilmore Girls as a standard by which I measure the quality of a show like this, it's because I am. Gilmore Girls had just the right blend of wit, humor, quality storytelling, and an entire cast of likable characters. This show doesn't.I'm not saying this show is bad. I'm saying it's barely average, mildly entertaining, and you'd probably be better off spending your television time on something else.
    lisek16 "Privileged" is based on the book by Zoey Dean by the name "How to teach filthy rich girls" and though the premise is the same, the characters don't have the same depth. What's alluring about the book is not just Megan's struggles to teach the girls but bond with them. After watching the pilot just days after finishing the book I was let down. I won't spoil the book for those who are thinking of reading it, but the back stories it provides are far more interesting then what the pilot provided us with. Yes, its ultimately a story of the wealthy and their drama... but the book is something more... If you were less then impressed with the series I still recommend the book. Seeing the promos prompted me to read it, and it was one of my favorite reads of the year.