Private Schulz
Private Schulz
| 06 May 1981 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    procul99 From conception to screenplay and the performance of every actor, this is a true gem. The humor is deep and subtle and as such it is not for NASCAR fans nor for anyone who has ever thought Adam Sandler should have been allowed to survive infancy. Richardson is note-perfect, as is the under-the-radar depiction of Hilter as a seemingly-rational nutjob. For those who are pining after a DVD release, I have only one word: Usenet. If that one word has no meaning for you, do a search on 'Newsgroups' and find out how to use programs like Agent, which are as easy to use as any internet browser. You would not believe the power of the dark side, young Skywalker.
    theowinthrop This was a very good series shown on "Masterpiece Theater" over a quarter century ago.In World War II both the Allies and the Axis used any means possible to undermine the other side's war efforts. The notorious Nazi leader, Reinhard Heydrich, came up with a scheme to attack the British Economy by massive forgery. Heydrich was assassinated in 1942 (see HITLER'S MADMAN) and the scheme was actually pushed by S.S. General Walter Schallenberg. It was not just making perfect copies of the notes used in England, but the carefully constructed code of identification numbers used by the Bank of England to verify their own notes.In this series, Private Gerhart Schultz (Michael Elphick) is a professional criminal in civilian life who has been drafted into the Wehrmacht. Soon he is put under the command of S.S. Major Neuheim (Ian Richardson, in his best television role before he became England's most diabolical Prime Minister, Francis Urquart, in HOUSE OF CARDS). Neuheim is a totally committed Nazi. But this has it's bad points and it's bad points. When he is given an assignment he will pursue it come hell or high water. But he is so committed that he will frequently lose sight of reality to achieve his goal.The result is that his relationship to Schultz is actually worse than that of Col. Klink's with Col. Hogan's on HOGAN'S HEROES. Klink was a career army officer - not a died-in-the-wool believer in Nazi theory. He could ease off on Hogan to share a confidence for awhile. Neuheim will use Schultz to achieve an aim, only to find that Schultz has taken some advantage of this to feather his nest (setting up a fancy brothel for Nazi officials at one point) and have to waste time reining in the Private. But because of fate, Schultz is too important to send to the Russian Front - but there are other ways of punishing.In this story, it is Neuheim, not Reinhard Heydrich, who came up with the plan. He is talking to Schultz, who happens to mention several close Pre-war friends of his (mostly Jewish like Cyril Shaps, as Solly) who were counterfeiters, and quite good at their work. Neuheim gets the idea that these men might be of use (temporarily) to the Reich to fake British currency (the five - pound note) and send the British economy into a nose-dive. He writes up his plan, and sends it to his superiors, and it goes all the way to Hitler.There is a good scene in the show (totally unexpected for one who thinks of Hitler only as a ranter and screamer) where "Der Fuhrer", from a pragmatic point of view, displays more sense than a financial adviser. Hitler (Gawn Grainger) calls Neuheim and a leading Reichbank official to a meeting about Neuheim's clever plan. The official is horrified - the British pound is the key financial standard of the world (this is 1941, remember), and it's security is sacred. A bemused Hitler and Neuheim watch as the official leaves the room. Der Fuhrer turns to Neuheim and discusses the difficulties of the plan, and how it probably won't work. But then he describes a discussion he had with an airplane designer about bumble bees. It seems that bumble bees, from their physical design, should not be able to fly...and yet they do! Hitler doesn't care about how everyone pegs their economic units on the "sacred" pound. This is war- go ahead and try to destroy the British economy! So Schultz gets together with Solly ("fresh" from a concentration camp, mind you) and Solly gets all of his best fellow counterfeiters from the camps, and they are set up (under far better - if temporary - conditions) working on those pound notes. An college professor is brought in to break the serial number code used by the Bank of England (and actually does figure it out). And the plans are under way. We watch the scheme progress, with Schultz used to plant the money in England and spread it (he is captured after he buries the money - he has plans for it himself after the war) and interrogated by a British Secret Service man (also played by Richardson, who has several roles in the series). Schultz escapes back to Germany (much to Neuheim's disgust). And so it goes, with one attempt after another to spread the fake money. By the time the show concludes the money has been buried, dumped in a lake, split between greedy American and British intelligence officers (who realize this is too good to pass up - they are fine counterfeit jobs), and sought after into the post-war period.Schultz is a decent sort - he helps Solly and his associates escape from being returned to the death camps. He also tries to cheer up Neuheim as the war ends so disastrously. "Well, Colonel", he says, "the Third Reich is at an end. People will miss it!" And a running romance between Gerhart and Daisy (Eve Bland), a prostitute from the bordello he set up, ends happily for both of them. But the fortune in forged, perfect bank notes eludes him until the last moment of the show, when he momentarily gets to use one. It is taken from him by a steward on a boat, with a familiar face.
    sensha Based upon reality, this wonderful series took off with the minor character only wanting to get along within an organization that was bound to bring down the British economy through counterfeit money. While it's true that part of the series is set in a DZ, it's part and parcel with the trials of the title character, who tries to avoid active service by any means.Naturally, his avoidance is foiled at every turn. Through the machinations of his superiors, he is drawn deeper and deeper into the scheme, which is advanced through the "Technical Section of the SS", a mistake proof bureau that manages to fowl things up about once an episode.Despite the bungling of the "experts" (and the best efforts of the good private) the banknotes finally reach their destination. How they end up is the punch line (as well as an excuse for a final comic turn for the star members of the case.It's not Blackadder, but it's still a different (and comic) take that's worth watching.
    spud_head >Yes folks,this is a sitcom about the inmates of a concentration camp.It is possibly the most repulsive show ever made.What on earth is this man talking about? It's like Escape to Victory for forgers - only it's intentionally funny!The late Michael Elphick puts in a suitably sheepish role as the luckless Schultz, while Peter Richardson comes out as the real star - most of the time a ruthless, goose-stepping, selfish b*stard! Just when you think everything is going right for Schultz, the Nazis turn up, he gets bonked on the head, nearly drowned in a fjord or blown to smithereens! Classic!Great watching, and I hope it comes out on DVD! My VHS recording is starting to look a bit tatty!