Power Play
Power Play
| 15 October 1998 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Bereamic Awesome Movie
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    worthwood This was an average show. I think it maybe could have gotten better if it stayed on for another season. The acting was fine. Most of the problem was in an obvious lack of money (like in most Canadian TV) where they just seemed to go with cheap everything and cheap stories. Oh well.
    reaverking Some of the episodes of Power Play are among the best TV out there. Drama, excitement, and Micheal Reilly playing an evil genius who simultaneously creates and solves endless nightmares in both his personal and professional life every episode. Most which could singlehandedly derail the team without even touching the drama unfolding on the ice most episodes.*SPOILER ALERT* My only complaint is that the last season never really paid off for me when I watched the original broadcast. I won't go into specifics but suffice it to say that the show makes some dramatic changes in characters and tone I can't fathom. *END SPOILER ALERT*To sum up, if you can even find this series on DVD for less than $30, Give Power Play some time to impress you. It starts strong and some of the episodes are absolute gems. Just be prepared for the third period to get really, really ugly.
    stella-4 I am a fan of both hockey and of Gordon Pinsent. What a treat to have seen them come together so successfully! Pinsent is blessed with hilarious dialogue, which he delivers with ease and brilliance. I hope they use him more. Dean McDermott is wonderful, too. Good writing, good cast, good show. I was fortunate enough to see a couple of episodes on a recent trip to Ontario, and was greatly disappointed to discover I wouldn't be able to see it upon my return to the U.S. This country is missing out on some top quality programming by not covering Canadian broadcasting.
    VerbalKint-2 You might be wondering what the novelty was for me in the first place. Well, being from Hamilton, it's very rare for me to see a show or movie based in my hometown. And I'll admit that was my initial attraction to "Power Play". Good writing and strong acting, though, have me hooked (no hockey pun intended).Most of the characters are likeable in their own way, but two performances stand out. Gordon Pinsent as the somewhat-crazy owner of the Hamilton Steelheads, Mr. McCardle, is great and fast-paced comic relief. Dean McDermott is the other performer I most enjoy. As Mark Simpson, the soft-spoken captain of the Steelheads, his intensity and dedication to the team shines through. He's extremely convincing, and in my opinion under-used thus far (2 episodes have aired as I write this). Michael Riley is Brett Parker, the guy you love to hate and hope to love, and the character around which the show revolves and evolves. The frantic pace of his life is reflected in the pacing of the show. The hockey sequences are, for the most part, well represented. And to be honest, the hometown boy in me wanted to cheer on the fictional Steelheads franchise.I really hope this show survives, and not just because it shines a spotlight on Hamilton, but because it deserves to. "Power Play" is that rarest of creatures; a well-made Canadian drama.