| 06 October 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Clevercell Very disappointing...
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    peterlloyd98 Don't expect laugh out loud hilarity. But then there was not that much in the original. What this is - for me - is a welcome half hour of relaxation with the odd smile. No filth, no bad language, a welcome trip down memory lane. To summarise, it was like meeting a friend you haven't seen for a few years. And listening to some familiar stories. Bring on the next series.
    davbat2000 Generally I prefer the classics to be left alone, and this is a little dated in its format and of course no prison was ever like it.But there was enough to make me smile and laugh a few times. The thing I do dislike is Kevin Bishops delivery, its too reminiscent of Ronnie Barker and I understand why, I just find it annoying.
    charlieboy-12673 Forgive me for adding a negative review to the proceedings, I am struggling to understand what people are finding funny with this show, terribly old fashioned, recycled humour that simply isn't amusing in the slightest. They've attempted to recreate Porridge, the same way in which they brought back the equally terrible Still Open all Hours. What's with trying to bring classics back? Leave them where they are Comedy Gold, surely there are enough talented writers out there to give us new comedy shows?
    jeanwinchester I don't know what the problem was with the poor professional reviews and the haters. People seem stuck in the past and determined to find fault. I'm 65 and I thought the writing was brilliant and once I got past the first episode, I watched them all back to back on the BBC website. Perhaps I *am* easy to please but I thought it funny and lovingly created. There were just enough differences to make it new for 2017 and yet just enough similarity to appreciate the old 70s sitcom. Yes, we know dear old Ronnie was a comedy genius but I thought many of the actors did a fine job. I certainly didn't even recognize the one who plays the copper on Doc Martin! And the huge tough one with the beard? What comic timing! *And* there were touches of genius about this one as well. When the Scotsman sang? And the expression on the woman guard's face? And did I say that I thought the writing was funny? Bravo. Give us another six, please. Oh, and for God's sake...Goodnight Sweetheart as well.