Pokémon Origins
Pokémon Origins
TV-Y7 | 02 October 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    hayashimegumi This is a shorter version of my review as there is word limit so.... Here's some why you will love Pokémon Origins (2013) and have a great time watching it! Firstly, there are so much references to the game which is quite unusual and unexpected. Secondly, it feels like playing a Gameboy Color by Nintendo which is creative. Then, a lot of the music, dialogues and scenes are adapted from the games; they are just so priceless! Most of all, it is entertaining to watch the rivalry and friendship between the main characters Red and Blue as each have their own distinctive personality and boyish charm!Since the animated special is split into four parts and directed by four different anime directors, I have four mini review for each of these too!The first part, File 1: Red, is about the beginning of Red's and Blue's Pokémon journey. My first impression was a wow as the games are seemingly coming to life! However as the animated special progresses, I realised that it isn't just that. This is seriously a comedy aimed to entertain, it is full of inside joke that Pokémon fans would find them damn funny most of the time but humorous or not, Pokémon Origins (2013) is certainly a tribute to all Pokémon fans!The second part, File 2: Cubone, is about Red's adventure in one of the towns he visited. Many days have passed since the first part but it does follows the storyline or gameplay. Fortunately, it is still as funny but what's more is that this part is quite heartwarming; there are some aww moments and the relationships between people and Pokémon shown here are just so sentimental. Thus, if you wanted to watch something uplifting with a hilarious plot, this is it!The third part, File 3: Giovanni, is an interesting arc featuring the Team Rocket's Boss. It is a dramatic one. Although this part also means Pokémon Origins (2013) is coming to an end soon, it is quite satisfying because there are intense actions and a plenty of wise words. You can't help but to feel happy to learn that these characters are moving on, forward!The fourth and last part, File 4: Charizard, is about Red challenging the Elite Four and the Champion, who happens to be his rival! I find most of the characters adorable and these two rivals especially are good-natured boys after all. Although the plot progresses pretty fast, Pokémon Origins (2013) is never boring. Like all of us who played the Pokémon games, there will always be more Pokémon, mysteries and never-ending surprises!Nonetheless, it would be a huge lie if I mention that there are no flaws in Pokémon Origins (2013). As I have mentioned in one of my previous movie review before; let it be a common knowledge that there is no one film that is perfect and that all of the people in the world would love it. What is perfect to me might not be perfect to you but for this one, you can trust me that it is extremely different than all of existing Pokémon films and TV anime series out there and it might just be your new favorite anime!Of course, I won't deny that there could be some flaws such as too little screen time for each gym leaders, all 151 original Pokémon does not appear on screen and that there are certainly plenty of other towns from Kanto which it obviously does not cover but it is about 90 minutes only after all. However, Pokémon Origins (2013) truly does not disappoint because the plot is entertaining and every moment in this animated special is epic!One note on the directors of Pokémon Origins (2013), I believe each of the directors from the different animation studio have performed well and collaborated perfectly. I did not know that it was a co- production until I read about it as everything is well thought out and the continuity is seamless! The evident is this animated special; it is not difficult to tell that their creativity and efforts have paid off! Kudos to all four of you, if you are reading this by any chance!Ending this post, Pokémon Origins (2013) is an admirable work. It is a true video games to film kind of movie and it is so awesome and epic that we certainly needed more of these! Please create... for every generation... Arigatougozaimasu!
    reddragonhero17 I grew up with the original Pokémon (Seasons 1-5) and I still love it to this day. It was nice to go back to where it all started since right now I couldn't stand Best Wishes and the more recent XY. However, I feel that just 4-5 episodes is just WAY too short to fully tell a Pokémon story. In the regular show every episode was worth the watch as it was more than just formula, it felt like reading a novel. They made Red to be too perfect unlike Ash who really felt more alive. Sorry fans of this one, but Ash's faults were there for a purpose not to drive you crazy. And the whole "win only one tournament" was there for a reason as well. Here the ultra condensed version is just mostly action, very little adventure, comedy, and drama and that's it. I liked how they played it out in the fashion of the Gameboy Games, but the reason I preferred the anime more, is that it had more life. Characters thought, had deep psychology, and made tough if difficult decisions. Here we don't get that as much. Finally, I felt that the mega stone thing was out of place. The creators should stick where it was back then and what it should be.
    Emphinix The very first time I played Pokemon I was about 13 years old and the first game I played was Pokemon Blue, then I played the Special Pikachu Edition which was a tribute to the anime, but had little in common with it. The character of Red is very similar to his gaming counterpart, but he is not as stupid and idiotic as Ash is in the anime. Blue is similar in the games as well, but he doesn't have that jackass personality as Gary Oak in the anime, and has no cheerleaders cheering him on.At first I thought that it was gonna be as boring as the anime. Truth is, the anime WAS boring after Johto Journeys and Ash has barely won any tournaments except for one in the anime. An interesting thing in this mini-series is that the Pokemon don't talk unlike in the anime when Pikachu says "Pika pika".The Team Rocket of this short is faithful to the team in the games and have absolutely nothing to do with the two bumbling morons from the anime. Professor Oak sounds a lot better than in the anime as well. Most battles were awesome especially the one at the end which I will NOT mention. That is for all of you to see, not for me to tell.This is EXACTLY what the anime should have been like, because unlike Ash, Red was more determined and smarter. For old Pokemon fans, this is the BEST thing to see.
    Optimus_Prime_is_OP Pokémon origins is the name of a special 4 part mini series based on the Pokémon franchise.But unlike the regular anime that has been going on since 2008, Pokémon Origins follows the original Red and Blue games almost flawlessly, with some changes, which i will explain later.This 4 part series follows the adventures of Pokémon trainer Red, who goes to many gyms and defeats the gym leaders in order to eventually compete in the Pokémon indigo league. At the beginning, however, Red doesn't have this in mind at all - he just wants to instead complete the Pokédex.What i found striking about this Special is how the battles are portrayed. They are high speed and intense. It is also brutal in many places.I also liked how the characters are much more likable than the regular anime. For example, Red i find to be a much better developed character than Ash. Also, Blue is still a character that you despise (that's not a bad thing, you are still supposed to hate him), but he wasn't the type of hate you got from Gary in the regular anime.The Pokémon, also, don't say their name all the time. They make actual animal like noises, which is a lot less annoying.Team rocket are here as well, but are actually a organisation, instead of a bunch of 2 bumbling fools and a talking Pokémon (Jesse James and Meowth), there for they are a lot more menacing and are like an actual threat.The only things wrong with this special are the pacing, the final battle with Blue and the battle with Mewtwo. The pacing is really off at some points, for example, you don't see all the gym battles, at the start of every episode, Red gives a summery of what happened between episodes.Next complaint is the final battle with Blue. Again, this is to do with the pacing. We only see the final part of the battle in depth. I would prefer it if we saw the whole battle, instead of the final segment only.The last complaint is with the final battle with Mewtwo. The battle's fine, but they put in a mega evolution from Pokémon x and y. This, although is cool, just feels so out of place in a anime based upon the first generation games, with an inclusion of a element from Generation 6.Overall, Pokemon origins was brilliant. It is a good tribute to gen 1 of Pokémon, but is bogged down a bit with pacing and story issues.8.2/10