Play It Again, Dick
Play It Again, Dick
| 16 September 2014 (USA)

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    ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
    momling Before you complain that this completely ruins the franchise, you have to look at it as something different. This is supposed to be more along the lines of the Kickstarter video they created at the start of the campaign. For the most part, the actors are playing parodies of themselves, NOT the Veronica Mars characters. If you go into it looking as if the actors are playing the characters and not themselves, you will be sorely disappointed at the outcomes. Overall, it was a fun way to watch the actors themselves enjoy spending time together in a way that was different than an interview or them acting like the characters, and you could see that they clearly are proud of the Veronica Mars story. My favorite two characters parodying themselves were Francis Capra and Percy Daggs III, as their characters least matched their television persona. The story Ryan "creates" has a ridiculous ending that seems fit for a Scooby Doo cartoon and is a great nod to how complex the storyline in VM often gets. At first I thought that there were more F-bombs in it that I thought were necessary until I remembered reading a story about the one use of the word in the movie. Complete with a ton of inside jokes for Marshmallows, this is a fun diversion from the seriousness of the show and movie that breaks down a bit of the proverbial fourth wall.
    shawn00 This parody-like mess is a tragic and awful piece of the Veronica Mars universe. I don't know what Rob Thomas was thinking when he agreed to be a part of this travesty. Fans of the original TV show were given a great gift when the Veronica Mars movie was produced. We got what we couldn't thanks to the CW's untimely killing of a truly entertaining show - closure. But, trying to continue the story by focusing on Dick Casablancas in this form is tragic. I couldn't get passed the 4th episode. Whereas Veronica Mars was so intelligently written and incredibly brought to life with great acting and directing, Play it Again, Dick is just stupid and pitiful. They kill off Weevil and Duncan and call this entertainment? Rob Thomas should be ashamed of himself and this show should disappear and be forgotten even if another story about Veronica Mars is never made.
    Pittsburghgirl Ryan Hansen is really, really funny. The show is killer comedy on its' own, but if you've seen the Veronica Mars series (and/or movie) first, you won't be able to stop laughing. Ryan is the perfect choice to star. He's great to look at, is very charismatic, and his reactions are spot-on. Everyone on the show looks like they are having a blast--even the crew. I don't know how the actors can keep a straight face during many of the scenes. I imagine there were many takes :)Rob Thomas deserves birthday presents every year from his Veronica Mars actors. He is a truly gifted writer and delivers genius dialogue for his characters. Keep the episodes coming!
    Chuck4Ever After This series was good, and for a while, each episode seemed to get better. Episode 3 even included a cute little plot twist.In the Veronica Mars movie, I thought Ryan Hansen was the actor who had improved the most since the original series. Kristen Bell is always great, but Ryan had come a long way. He's loads of fun, never seems serious about himself, and he's nice to look at now!Jason Dohring used to be hot as all heck, but he looks kind of ridiculous in this. Who cares about his big muscles when his ears stick way out? Yuck.Hansen was the life of the party until Episode 3. He was still doing great, but Percy Daggs III stole the show! I was laughing so hard...Who wrote those amazing lines? And Daggs -- he nailed everything!!