Perfect Couples
Perfect Couples
TV-PG | 20 December 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    cherronw Don't get me wrong, the pilot episode left a lot to be desired. It was very forced and awkward. However, it got much better just by the 2nd episode. I don't find Modern Family funny, whatsoever and I am confused why people like it. This show deserves a second chance from NBC, I mean they had the Paul Reiser show for crying out loud! Not to mention 2 seasons of Outsourced, which was horrible! I think that if you like shows like How I Met Your Mother, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, or the Office you would like this show. I also don't know why people dislike Olivia Munn so much. She is funny and pretty! I don't think she is really like the character she plays on Perfect Couples, she is just acting folks...
    charlottemarriott My husband and I loved this programme! We just happened upon it whilst watching British TV. It is a bit like Coupling as shown on BBC2 in the late 1990's which was also great. It did take us a little time to dial into the show as it seemed quite random at first but soon enough it was part of our Thursday evening routine. Although we didn't identify with any of the couples in their entirety we could spot certain traits (scary though that was). The characters were believable and sparked well off each other it would have been interesting to see where the plot went as it was never deep but always held our interest for the half hour slot. Please American TV people recommission it. pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase
    Chris Collingwood (cpthollywood) This show had potential to be quite good.This and a similar program (Happy Endings) were both new this season. Thought this one was much funnier and entertaining. It is quirky and requires a few episodes to 'get' the characters and humour, but once you do, it really takes off. I found the last few episodes to be great, and though I was on the fence for the first few, I was sold toward the end and would have stuck with it. Versus a flat, boring story line (like most new "couples" comedies) this one was slightly over-the-top and fun to watch. A show like that stands out from others that blend in with normality. This would have picked up a larger audience with every season it ran, whereas the others would have lost many to boredom.VERY upset to see this was dropped. Bad move.
    npwins This is one of my favorite new comedy shows. I found the first couple of episodes to be weird, but now I'm used to this style of show.It seems like a low production show, but its very entertaining to watch. The cast is really great, and the 3 main couples are all different in their own ways. Characters have good chemistry, and their friendships come across as genuine.Its very different from the usual comedy shows on TV. The characters seem/behave like everyday people so its easier to relate to them. They seem to tackle relationship issues in a fun quirky way, which makes the show very fun to watch.