One Big Happy
One Big Happy
TV-14 | 17 March 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Clevercell Very disappointing...
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    Dr_Sagan What exactly is the point of creating such a comedy is beyond my understanding.Ellen DeGeneres is serving as a producer and the show is about a lesbian who got pregnant from her bisexual best friend/roommate, so I guess it's about trying to get people more familiar, even more tolerable to "new forms" of family.I didn't mention that her bff/roommate is married with...Kelly Brook (who plays a girl that he decided to marry after only one date) and they all live now together under the same roof.I'm writing this review while watching the 2nd episode that Liz Feldman (the creator) wrote.The script is lame as f.., the acting is terrible and the jokes are non existent. Add to all this the most annoying laughing track ever, that hits your ears every 3 to 5 seconds, and you have the recipe of a disaster. It doesn't seem possible for this to improve in later episodes, so you better stay away and watch something else..
    Jeff B I watch a lot of TV... everyone is different.. But in my honest opinion, anyone rating this a 8 out of 10 or higher, had to be paid or have something to lose. I think you could give it a 5 out of 10 for being a nice person.For me, to started off slow. By half way through, I was looking for something else. I just couldn't find this funny and not sure how it will last. The plot is just so so... I think I semi chuckled just once. Having the background laughs for each scene is so misleading. And the one girl with the British accent? I think it's being forced into the show too much and for me, was actually annoying.Don't waste your time on this one.
    fahdbt94 I was actually waiting up for this show to kick off, but after that first episode I immediately wish that it gets either cancelled or get some significant revamping.There was an article on 'The Mirror' saying that Kelly Brook would almost do anything for fame and that is spot on in the series. The acting is poor (from all the cast), the jokes are outdated and seem downright stupid at times and then we have this triangle they have tried to build with a lesbian and her best friend and his new wife. This could have turned out pretty well but they really have managed to mess it up in a big way. If the series is to be judged on its pilot then this show would have been immediately pulled from the network it really was that bad. Given that I would set the standard on comedy shows high after watching friends,Seinfeld,that 70s show etc. this one just doesn't even begin to be credited a worthwhile show.Definitely not worth your time.
    joyday This sitcom got off the starting block fast with no holds barred and is exhilarating. The writing is crisp and delicious: BFFs, a lesbian, and a Brit, what could be better? The premise of a straight guy and a lesbian gal who have been best friends for many years deciding to have a baby delves into a very popular current topic. We take a look at what happens when one of the parents of the resulting baby finds love with someone else. We all want to see how this modern day story twists and turns. This reminded me of the classic "Three's Company" with the fast-paced delivery of story and jokes. I loved the three leading actors' personalities, and can't wait to see the next episode. I foresee a long run, and Ellen has another winner with her "One Big Happy" sitcom.
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