Of Kings and Prophets
Of Kings and Prophets
TV-14 | 08 March 2016 (USA)

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    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    bandito I don't know if this epic series about David (1000bc) is accurate to the bible or not, who cares? This is fantasy and action adventures drama / historical story, and you absolutely don't need to be religious or Hebrew to enjoy this well made series. lots of actors and extras, bloody when required, I now am watching the 3rd episode and I had to stop and write a favorable review so hopefully you don't pass it over . the effect design for the city backdrop is classy, this is not a cheap production and writing is solid so far. I red it was canceled and I hope it get pick up and continued as it is not often we get decent series with an epic feeling. I would rate this 8.4 to 9.3 , its that decent and well written. actors do there job. cheers!!!
    pulp_fiction-38041 This is a fantastic show, Full of drama and action.Don't know why it was rated so low when it really packs a punch.If you can find it give it a watch as it is a quality show.Shame ABC cancelled it as it is up there with Vikings IMO.Hard to think Zena had so many seasons when this is 100000X better hope someone buys the rights to continue it.What more to say I am gutted that it wont continue.Poor David Please let this not be the end! I am not even religious and I loved it so much! Give it a shot you wont be disappointed.FInal line to make it ten ;)
    pillybee Women would not be seen or heard, not running around in red dresses and flashing their bodies everywhere they would have been stoned to death as harlots.They had no voice in politics or anything else, and they still don't. This is so American Hollywood Rubbish. The inaccuracy is beyond believe, the characters cast unbelievable and very predictable. The hero with is funny side kick, the princess falling in love with the Hero. As always Hollywood is obsessed with pretend sex scenes which have no relationship to the story. The hero goes out to kill a lion with absolute no weapons, well you know he is going to kill it before he even gets there. I could go on and on with mistakes and predictability why bother I won't watch another episode.
    christiank7 I do not really care that the history is not accurate when the history of that period is already a load of rewritten 5th hand tell me down horse manure. I do not care that the acting - so English - is god awful, I do not care that the script is so kitch that even my cat started to crawl out of the room and I do not care that the public may even like it, Lets face it people, the public also voted for OBAMA who is beyond doubt the single worst president ever. What I do care about is the fact that because this piece of chicken offal was granted money many other productions were canned. That is a disgrace. Who is responsible for allowing this stuff to be given a single penny. I do sincerely hope it had no taxpyers money in it. Might be better if they just pull the show before it gets to the next episode. PLEASE ABC - get a grip, get some dignity and stop this horrible and pathetic show. PS Is there a possibility that we demand a stop?i suppose not but I wish there was.