Naked News
Naked News
TV-MA | 20 November 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Diagonaldi Very well executed
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
    justin-mulvey Let's face it, the news can be pretty boring, and sometimes you need a distraction. These women have come up with something that works.The last review I read talked about their bodies. Yeah, they're not all modelesque. Some have less than perfect boob jobs. One I saw was downright fat. But who cares? It's a fun concept. It makes me laugh. If you're looking for porn, go watch porn.I also liked all the natural breasts, unabashedly displayed. I think the many teens who will find ways to watch this show could benefit from seeing women as they really are - sag and all.
    Robert Boyle This show is incredibly lame. I feel sorry for all the girls in it. I don't know if they think they are going to use this to launch into a "real career" in acting or dare I say even in the legitimate news world but they are definitely dreaming unless their dream is to be full scale porn stars in which case I'm sure someone would gladly use them for that. They simply aren't very good at reading the news, it's a talent that you don't even realize exists among the real news anchors until you see someone trying to do it who really can't, like these girls. Very awkward reading. And they are for the most part good looking but not hot enough to get back as successful actresses based on looks alone. Hopefully they are well paid and having a lot of fun but I really don't think so, I'm sure whoever runs this show is exploiting them to the max. The worst part about the show is the writing. Even if they could read the news in an interesting, professional way, it is just terrible. Not newsworthy for the most part and definitely not funny at all. They cram jokes into every story and every single joke is just pathetic. It's obvious they think "hey we got naked girls reading this it doesn't matter what they read". Well that novelty wears off after a few minutes and it's just okay looking girls taking off their clothes and reading awkwardly. Yawn. And if you're yawning at naked girls you know there's a serious problem. One more thing. I know a lot of lonely basement dwelling 30-something virgins are probably giving this show ratings of 10 but this show getting a 9 out of 10 average with 1000 votes? There is definitely some vote tampering going on here.
    dlhunt Naked News is nothing more than a gimmick laden, shallowly conceived program. What is this show trying to be? Is it a news show to attract people to watch naked men and women? Is it a show with naked men and women to attract people to watch more news?The news items they present merely skim the surface and the newscasts are padded with lifestyle and dog hero fluff.The only thing that gives it redemption, if any, is that it includes Canadian news items.Quite frankly, this should not have gone beyond comedy sketch status on Air Farce, 22 Minutes or Saturday Night Live.
    ne1butme Only in the 21st century can nude Internet news broadcasts be taken seriously. From National and International news, all the way though weather, sports and ending with business, Naked News creates an environment much more pleasing to the eye than the standard national news programs. After all, Guys, whom would you prefer, A wonderful looking woman, or Peter Jennings. It's your decision.