My Little Margie
My Little Margie
NR | 16 June 1952 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    mcannady1 I just wanted to say a word or two about this wonderful 50's comedy. It has been my favorite since the late 50's when I was 6 and my sister was 9. We were thrilled with the show. I believe it was the characters enjoying working together, as Gale Storm asserted in her biography, I Ain't Down Yet.As Margie got out of one scrape and into another (assisted or not) with Mrs. Odettes, Mr. Honeywell, etc., all the episodes were a delight to watch.After viewing the show since I was little I have finally come full circle to the basic premise. After all this time - our sons saw an episode and figured it out first. Vern Albright loved his daughter Margie and did not believe she could meet anyone good enough to marry. Conversely, as Margie states from the pictures at the beginning of the show, she tries to look after her father; I believe she felt her widower dad would never find the right woman to remarry.In the last episode when it appears like Margie is married and expecting a baby the excitement goes out of the show. Though Mrs. Odettes is hilarious running into people with a wedding cake and Mr. Albright and Mr. Honeywell look puzzled and shocked, the show was basically ending. For some time beautiful Roberta Townsend dreamed of the white picket fence and her own marital bliss with Vern.As for Vern and his high-pitched voice, it only added to the mayhem and merriment of the show as he is continually plagued by his young daughter who was reasonably sure she knew what was best for him.We really don't want it to ever end. So Vern feels that Freddie Wilson is a flake and doesn't like him. Other dates fizzle out for Margie, though many admirers appear here and there. Also. early on we see that Margie likes Roberta, a dress designer across the hall, but isn't ready to accept her as a new stepmother. The lovely and sophisticated Hilary Brooke is wonderful here. My sister and I were always happy to see all the characters on other shows. including Gertrude Hoffman and Willie Best.An interesting thing in re-watching the first few episodes, Margie seems very much in love with Freddie, sitting on his lap and embracing him. Later we have: Go home, Freddie and This place confuses me! Even today my sister laughs away at Freddie's happy and innocent antics when it appears Margie will marry him. He skips up and down in Vern's office and lands on his side! Of course, Freddie knows Vern does not like him and makes things worse each time.Also, we see early on that Roberta seems very much in love with Vern in an early episode.Today's programs, I feel, are not up to the wonderful 50s programs it was my privilege to enjoy as a very young girl. The 60s were good too, but the 70s did not have the same panache. It is comedies like these that keep the romance alive today watching them.My sincere thanks to all of the cast members. I was very happy to meet Gale Storm at a seminar in 2005. We became fast friends and she called me when I was going in to hospital for a spinal surgery. I will always remember her kindness and friendship, though we did not have a chance to meet again. She was just as I had always known she would be; warm, witty and kind.Every time I watch my DVDs I remember two little girls sitting there watching - enthralled by the stars, the wonderful episodes, the great sets. What was there not to love?
    earlytalkie Gale Storm starred in this series for three years. The show was originally a summer replacement for "I Love Lucy". It ran for nine episodes and then was picked up for the fall season. Charles Farrell co-starred as Margie's father Vern Albright. This was one of the rare sitcoms of the time that did not include a traditional family. Vern is a widower and he spends much of his time in the series trying to keep Margie away from boyfriends he deems unsuitable. Margie, on the other hand is frequently trying to keep Vern away from gold-digging women, attracted to the attractive Vern and his money. This is a charming series that really made a star out of Gale Storm. Other fun people in the cast include Hillary Brooke as Vern's sometime girlfriend Roberta Townsend, Willie Best as Charlie, the elevator operator in the Albright's apartment building, Clarence Kolb as Mr. Honeywell, Vern's boss(also the only hearing-impaired actor I've ever seen to appear on-screen wearing a hearing aid), and perhaps best of all, Gertrude Hoffman as Mrs. Odetts, the daffy oldster who lives across the hall from the Albrights. Check this show out. It's Fun.
    jeffhill1 In hindsight, I think "My Little Margie" was a TV sit com version of the Frederick March and Teresa Wright characters in "The Best Years of Our Lives" (if Al Stevenson and Peggy had been on speed). Charles Farrel played a vice president at Honeywell and Todd Investment Counselors. He played Vernon Albright as a guy who would really prefer to apply his considerable financial expertise in the back room with the financial ledgers, but who always seemed to find that his main job was in making a good impression on the rich matron client of the week so that she would give her account or keep her account at Honeywell and Todd. The more he would try to maintain a proper image, the more Margie would get him into some madcap situation in which they were doing things like running through a haunted castle and swinging fireplace pokers at strange characters in medieval armor who were emerging from a huge fireplace and clanking down the hallways. Situations would reach a fever pitch of hysteria; but as Gale Storm always pointed out to Farrel at the end, "It all worked out. And Dad always shrugged with a sigh of a smile, "Well, that's my Little Margie."
    lousvr I watched this program as a 9 year-old or so and remember just a wonderful fuzzy warm feeling. It had a distinctive quality theme. Gale played a well meaning happy daughter to Charles Farrell. Every one in the cast portrayed really NICE PEOPLE, above all the lunacy that developed. Not a mean spirited act in the whole program so 'as a kid' this just made me feel good and secure and positive. Fortunately the show is available on video, almost all 126 episodes. Gale has a wonderful website and she's as young and perky as ever. I watch the episodes with the same enthusiasm today as before.
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