My Boys
My Boys
TV-14 | 28 November 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    MurphAndTheMagicTones This is a show with a good concept. Granted, it's "Sex and the City" meets "Friends" minus the pretentiousness of either show, but that makes it one of the better shows to pop up in the post-Friends era. These are characters you might have actually met, been friends with, or possibly were yourself. (really, do you know ANYBODY who can afford 50 pairs of $400 shoes or afford a 2-bedroom apartment off Central Park, even with rent control?) Jordana Spiro, who received a lot of buzz for her part in "Must Love Dogs" plays the tomboy-like role of a female sportswriter for the Chicago Sun-Times. But like Anthony Michael Hall's geek character from "Sixteen Candles," she bashes many of the tomboy stereotypes by not only having a good rapport with her male friends but also with her Sex and the City-inspired best female friend, Stephanie. (not to mention she's as comfortable in a little black dress as she is in a tank top and jeans.) Jim Gaffigan, whom I was really worried about in terms of playing a role in this sitcom, does very well as her "whipped" older brother. Her friends, Brendan (Reid Scott), Mike (Jamie Kaler), and Kenny (Michael Bunin) work very well both individually and as part of the group. Stephanie (Kellee Stewart) might seem like a weak spot in the show, but she is an effective counter to P.J.'s "hang out with the boys" persona. If there's one weak spot to the group, it's rival sportswriter and on again-off again potential love interest Bobby (Kyle Howard).Although some of the plots may get a little goofy, the group works very well together. All in all, it's a solid show in an era where the TV comedy is definitely in bad shape.
    supervolt2surge Recently during a homebound injury day and a vomiting amount of NOTHING to watch on TV, I came across the First season of My Boys on TBS' On Demand section, and the boring day was flushed away.I'm bummed I never tuned in before on a weekly basis, because this show is EXCELLENT! I probably never watched originally because the Title has that girl-show sound to it. But as a guy, I was won over. It's got it's own unique sense of humor that I found genuinely intelligent (few bits of corny too) and there are scenes that create an enjoyable laugh.Personally, I'm so sick of the many copycat shows that exist purely on the lowest common denominator of gutter comedy. The language of this show is real, it's adult, it's comfortable, and it is funny. My Boys also has a nice fluidity from episode to episode. There's an underlying flow, not just what crazy mishap'll take place this week. And at the end of some, there's a positive ending. That part I really like.Lastly, the ensemble cast is a great mix of characters and personalities. It's not a bunch of stereotypes inflated by a funhouse mirror, but a likable group of friends who enjoy Baseball, Poker, and each other. They have a real chemistry as a group.My Boys is different from what else is on TV. Guys and gals will love the show. And I'm really really really glad that a show has been made that doesn't make me feel like I need a shower after I watch it.I enjoy. You will too.The show was an entertaining Surprise, and a good one at that. Well worth tuning in for Season 2 on a weekly basis.
    sleepin_in88 Oh my gosh! I love this show! It has great one liners and is really in its own league. You can't compare another show to it and say it sucks cause it isn't a girlie show. It's called My Boys for a reason and it shows it in each episode. I've followed each episode and find myself laughing every time. I believe it's more family friendly than some shows out there, not every episode is based on sex, maybe gender but not the nasty. It may have it's corny moments but it has a relate-able cause that makes sense to some or maybe a lot of people outside of baseball. It's something I look forward to every Tuesday it's on. It makes me laugh, you may just find yourself with the same feeling.
    laangel464 I don't know what this guy was talking about...but i love this show.Maybe it's because i can relate to it more than some people. I love Chicago, the cubs, and i'm a lot like PJ in a someways. I have guy friends just like her and they can be that crazy sometimes.Also, i see this show as a more down to earth, get real type of show. The characters are just like someone you could meet on the street without it being a "reality" show. But it's enough of a sitcom that when you sit down and watch it you don't get depressed like when you watch those CSI shows.I wouldn't say this show is the BEST SHOW of all time because it's not, but for a good witty comedy that I enjoy watching it gets an A plus. I'm glad TBS picked it up for another season, i'm def. looking forward to it.
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