Mother Love
Mother Love
| 20 October 1989 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    adrian_h20042000 Wow,just got hold of it on DVD from a friend who recorded it. I never saw it in 1989 and this is my first time. Rigg plays a woman who's approaching 50,she was abandoned in the past by her husband(played by David Mccallum) who now has a successful marriage to a photographer(Isla Blair). Dianas character is deeply possessive of her 20 something son who's just about to get married and leave home. He isn't supposed to see his Father because it would seem like betrayal to his mother,but secretly does. As it progresses we see how she reacts to her world falling apart. One of the best pieces of television drama I've ever seen.The ending is haunting and poignant.
    richard.fuller1 The first time I saw Mother Love, it was being rerun during the day. I came in on the new wife locked in the bomb shelter studio. I sat bored knowing they would find her in time. They always do. Wow. Was I wrong! SPOILER ALERT I made sure I watched it straight thru to the end and looked for it the next time it came on. From that point on, the naive trust this woman had in her family crumbled away, one by one, as she felt betrayed over and over, until finally all she had was her precious "Kitten", lying in a coma in a hospital bed. That one simple phone call could set the revelation into motion and have the daughter-in-law racing to the hospital like that while Helena was overcome with grief at her ultimate betrayal; her own son. When she yanked that tube out of his nose, . . . ! In that little time frame, Diana Rigg played this tightly wound woman falling to pieces. There was nowhere else for Helena to go but where we see her in the closing credits. The movie was billed as the Man from Uncle (David MacCallum) meets the woman from the Avengers, but it was all Diana's show. I wouldn't have believed bloody cookie treats could be so evil!The first time I caught it, her dialogue wasn't edited out and she spoke about her ex-husband like he was the devil incarnate. The second time the words were deleted as she referred to 'Vesey's w***** and Vesey's b*******'. A shame really as they were not in a hostile intimidating tone.I had it on tape for the longest time. Seriously to make you think about what you have, it would be ideal viewing for Mother's Day.
    chuffnobbler Diana Rigg will scare you under the carpet in this story of "treachery, disloyalty" and family ties. A simple lie, Helena's son keeping in touch with his father but not telling his mother, spins wildly out of control, while Helena gradually suspects that her family are keeping information from her. The cleverly-constructed back story, showing that Helena was capable of terrible things as a child, cranks up the tension and gives a sense of terrible foreboding. Helena's paranoia and loneliness take over, creating a horrible revenge.Almost camp in some scenes, (calling everyone "darling", giving her family nicknames and shopping at Fortnums), Diana Rigg gives an intense performance full of pain at the upsets of her past life and full of hatred at her ex-husband. She definitely deserved her Bafta award.
    Barnaby Marriott Diana Rigg is outstanding as the deranged and possessive Helena Vesey in this marvellous BBC mini-series of 1989. It is a role that, I believe, won her a British Academy Award (BAFTA). It is hard to remember anyone who managed to be so funny, scary and mesmerising than Ms Rigg as this indelible protagonist, who brings the superb dialogue to life - "Laburnum! Such a pretty tree... and so many of them!"; "Treachery, disloyalty... are the most DREADFUL of crimes. And deserve the severest punishment!"; and "Ha ha ha! HERE's Mr Tiger!". This series is sometimes repeated on Sky's UK Gold channel - make sure you see it!