TV-14 | 28 September 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
    Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    Heidi Standell I too (like most of the people reviewing this title) am a fan of vampire movies, books, television series. Compared to what's going on with True Blood lately, I wish they would bring a version of this series back! (Just for the record, I really, really heartily dislike The Vampire Diaries--blah, so sick of teenage vampires and all the idiotic drama behind those shows. While Buffy was about a teenage vampire hunter, she was allowed to grow up and change and the vampire characters also progressed..guess the morale here is that if you become a vamp as an adolescent you never change from being a self involved idiot) The current fave, True Blood, has gone off on so many opposing and off the wall story lines and crazy stuff like fairies and wolf babies that the main plot and characters have become far too outrageous. Moonlight is more believable, the characters more likable, and the story arc as real as I suppose any series about mythical creatures can be. While Moonlight was left at a point where it could have gone for a few more seasons with some interesting twists (ie. the District Attorney being sent the names of all the L.A. vamps, along with a mysterious phone call but no explanation why), at least they left it with the two main characters, the vampire Mick and the reporter/investigator Beth, finally getting together. It would have been fun to see what happened. I read somewhere that though the ratings were good, and it was building a strong fan base, the network did not think it would last or go anywhere -- maybe it was because it was a post-Buffy and pre-Twilight show and they didn't see it able to compete with something as good as Buffy and/or had no idea the whole vampire genre was about to take off again. Anyway, watched it after being home sick and watching the entire Buffy series, most of which I had missed when it was on, and I am really impressed with this show. Would love to have found more seasons of this, but oh well, it's a fun series to watch if you like the genre, and while the final episode isn't exactly closure we are not left with too many cliffhangers. Give it a watch if you have the time someday, it's worth it :)
    lestatlove19 Moonlight: Are there so many words that I could say about this show? The answer is YES. It is amazing! Too bad it was canceled after only 16 episodes . . . damn! Thank goodness I have the series on DVD. Anyways, my mom & I love this show. Mick is SO SEXY! So is Josef, but Mick is better. Both of us enjoyed watching Mick's relationship with Beth unfold . . . He could've turned her into a vampire at any moment! Yet they have to deal with the fact that Mick's ex-wife, his maker, Coraline, still has the hots for him. Suspenseful love triangle here ;) I really like how this show had portrayed vampires as having animal instincts at certain times, but still maintain a sense of humanity & normalcy . . . not that it's easy when you have the urge to drink blood. I also love the fact that Mick says that most things about vampires, like sleeping in coffins, are "old wive's tales". He brings a bit of humor to the vampire existence, which one doesn't really see too often in the world of vampire films/TV shows. Like I said before, it's really too bad that this show was canceled . . . It was really good! I wonder, though, about one thing . . . What if Lestat (from Interview with the Vampire) and Mick were to meet? Now THAT would be interesting to imagine . . . Anyway, I miss Mick, Josef, Beth, & all their comrades. I would've loved to see how their stories, especially Mick & Beth's, turned out . . . Bring Moonlight back!
    sharkattack999 Really enjoyed this series, thought that the first episode or two was a little bit stilted but after this you could see that the actors were getting comfortable with their characters. What a shame that there was only one series. I think that the storyline was good and there was a lot of content that could of gone on into future series and I think given a little more time this could have become a cult series. Any chance it could be considered again. I am nearly fifty years old and my daughter is twelve and we were both equally disappointed that there were no more episodes to view. I especially enjoyed the complexities of human/vampire relationships and the contrast between the vampire friends, mick st john and josef.
    filmman3000 My friend owns a DVD set of the complete series and lent it to me, if not I would have never heard of it.The concept is simple Sherlock Holmes is a Vampire and a Hollywood Pretty boy. Now that's the kind of idea which I find very "Roger Corman" and would except only cheese out of hearing from it.In my opinion, they are a few elements that makes the show quite good.1. The execution is slick, sexy and first class.2. Great Soundtrack.3. Nice plots.4. Amazing characters development, you care about everyone, you know them and you want to know what will happen to them. It really makes the show.5. Very well thought villains.The only downfall of the show lasted one season and it leave the destiny of Coraline quite ambiguous. The same thing for the lover of Josef Kostan.In my opinion they should make a TV movie just to tie these two things.