Monster Farm
Monster Farm
TV-G | 30 August 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    phantom_ship_666 Hm. This was one of my favourite shows. I honestly don't remember too much about it. I just remember that it had a HORRIBLE time slot, so I'd be up at 5:30 in the morning watching it...that's how much I liked it.Genki is sucked into a video game where he meets a girl named Holly on a righteous quest to free the Pheonix and defeat the evil Moo (man...what a bad name). Along the way, they are joined by monsters who found it in their best interest to join this quest. I believe the monsters were Hare, Tiger of the Winds (I remember the episode where they met him...that was awesome), Suezo, Golem and Mochi.The thing that really drew me to this show was the in-depth delving into the characters' minds. Don't get me wrong, I was all into Pokemon and Digimon too, but MR was by far my favourite. Like I said, it was the characters. Digimon and Pokemon are more about the fights, whereas MR was more about the characters. I think it was HIGHLY under-appreciated.8/10 stars.
    rdatsun Was this show ever the black sheep. The third to what I like to call the "Monster Wars" Monster Rancher was a very underappreciated anime that either went unlooked as it was syndicated at the time or Fox Kids just wouldn't give it the time of day due to its Digimon hype.Th story is pretty simple. Taking the basis from Captain N (another video game inspired/marketng show) Hyperactive Genki recevies a beta game he won from a video game tournament. But upon trying it out, he is literly sucked into it and finds there a real world inside. And its in danger thanks to a evil monster name (wait for it) Moo. The only hope being a young girl (Holly) and her childhood monster Suazo as they quest to find the Phiniox, the only monster who can stop him. Genki joins them ,of course, and along the way they run into other monsters they come across that join their cause.The animation is pretty standard anime and nothing to write home about. But the storyline more then makes up for it. The one thing I loved about this show was it energy (which ironicly enough was what Genki's name stood for) and the fact that everything was straight forward and more over character driven rather then rely on too much on a gimmick. The battles this motly grew of rebels get into are very fun to watch and you really can't help but root for their uphill fight to overthrow Moo and his evil army.I'll admit it stumbles in it second season (plus the ending was kinda lame) but it had a good run none the less. It just a shame we didn't get to see it's third season due to lack of intrest and it being taking off the U.S airwaves for good. But in my eyes, this is one of he best anime I've had the pleasure of viewing. Those who been on their Pokemon and Digimon high horses while this was in run and didn't know of its presence. Check it out on one of the few video or dvd out there and see what you've been missing. As the song goes "Monsters Rule!"
    dootuss I don't care if people criticize me or not on my viewpoint of this show or not, I'm just going to say it right off the bat: THIS SHOW SUCKS!That's what I said. I think this show sucks. It's based on the "Monster Rancher" game made for Playstation (once more they're trying to make more money off of another dumb fad). Anyways, this show stars this kid who I believe gets sucked into the world of "Monster Rancher" when he was PLAYING the game!!! Anyway, he befriends this girl, and all of these really dumb monsters like characters like that eyeball creature, and the rock guy. Of course, that's an improvement from the other 2 stupid shows like "Pokemon", and "Digimon", but still I think the so-called "Monsters" on this show are stupid.Overall this show stinks and it gets a 0/10.
    Dr Wily Most property based animated series basically just serve as half hour commercials for toys. "Monster Rancher," while it does serve that purpose, rises above what you'd expect given that. Unlike "Pokemon," which is insipid, and "Digimon," which is derivative of the latter, "Monster Rancher" rests its strengths in strong, character development scripts.Except for a few stereotypes like "Star Wars" familial elements and the brooding, loner type with attitude, the majority of episodes have, thus far, been fine essays reaching into the minds of characters we would normally not care about. Whereas one would expect a character to be chosen from the video game to use as a plot device, the plot device is instead the motivation for the character, rather than motivation being revealed as an afterthought to spur on the plot.So far, there's only one season of episodes. But, if there are more, and if the same attention to character detail is maintained, this series should prove to be quite enjoyable, despite a few minor stereotypes.
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