Men, Women & Dogs
Men, Women & Dogs
| 14 October 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    mickmick460 The sitcom was very good with a different twist and it was put on the wrong night against heavy hitters, the movie should have been aired on a Monday and Tuesday night like around 8 or 9 pm, I am trying very hard to purchase copies of that sitcom and if anyone know whom to get the movies from please let me know. Ther cast for the movie I felt was a good fit and the dogs was a good twist. Now there is a movie coming out based on the sitcom, I'm sorry if some people did not like the show and i'm wondering what they based the show on any, it was a comedy that was in a league of its own, I feel the show should be re-aired and see what kind of hits it will get.
    Junkyard_Dream I've seen some episodes of this show, and I must say... No, point out that this isn't funny! The acting is okay, but could be better and the stories are so lame, it's almost unreal. I think, hope, guess if the writers of this show had spend some more time on developing the characters and the stories, I would have enjoyed it, instead of being disgusted.I hope it gets a second chance, because it deserves so. But please make the stories more "realistic" instead of a dog with human vengeance-tendencies, that belongs only in cartoons and please cut the fake laughter!
    jackrabbitslims-1 I have only seen 1 or 2 episodes of this terrible show and I feel like asking for some money from someone for doing that. The show is unsuccesful due to it's format: an unfunny situational comedy mixed with a soap opera in 30 minutes. In a way you'd expect that to be good because then every 6 seconds there isn't a cheesy joke followed up by a fake laugh track, but it just don't mix, it's like stirring chocalate syrup in a glass of orange juice. It's terrible how studio execs are running out of ideas for sitcoms but that doesn't give them the right to release their anger on the audience by releasing this crap.