Love My Way
Love My Way
| 22 November 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    jk-692-236394 I was looking for shows from other countries for variety. I loved Spirited, loved A Moody Christmas, then I watched Mr and Mrs Murder, which I like, that led me to Offspring, which I love. After watching all 3 seasons of that I decided to try Love my Way. First off I still cannot get used to how much swearing and bare sex there is on these shows. The swearing is off the charts. They say the F word constantly, and it seems like everyone swears with gusto, adults, old people, teenagers, no bother there. I do not enjoy that. Plus why does everyone sleep around and with fellow family members from the main characters families so much? That is weird to me. I tried Tangle but by then I was sick of the same people in all the shows and they started to feel very the samey. Next I liked the shows at first but then I noticed all the same actors seem to be on all the shows and movies and specials. It was weird. Like Kat Steward seems to be on 3 things at once. It kinda sucks the uniqueness out the actor or actress. On Love my Way, I found Charlie, Julia and many characters very unappealing on this show. They are rude, nasty and selfish jerks. Charlie did win me over a bit in the final season. I really hated the whole stepson story. It just did not fit with the rest of the show. Also why was was Lewis, who is a former addict drinking and smoking pot? That being said I did watch all 3 seasons. The acting and story line around losing Lou was moving and honest. I was impressed with that. I would recommend this still to people. It could of used more humor. It was rather bleak at times and so serious. Offspring has a fun lightness to it. I love the comedy. Asher Keddie in Offspring is so adorable, where I could not stand her in Love my Way. I am glad I watched Offspring first. I am surprised the States have not come a calling for Asher Keddie, but that might happen now with Offspring showing her off better. Also I found so much good music I never heard of before from all the different shows. Thanks Australia!
    dolphinos3 I agree with all the others here. It's definitely one of the best shows I've ever seen!! The acting is brilliant and the story unfolding is just...right. It's not too much, it't just VERY realistic; it feels like life. How life is...Episode 8 and 9 probably gave me the worst (and with "worst" I don't mean it in a bad way, I mean tearful and absolutely heartbreaking) moments I've had on TV. I couldn't stop thinking about it for days. Actually, I'm still thinking...and grieving...Anyway, big thanks to all the actors and writers involved for giving me an absolutely fantastic TV-experience every Thursday here on the other side of the world. Can't wait for the the 2nd season!!!:)
    taliesson Love My Way made getting cable totally worthwhile. When I first heard of yet another Australian TV drama, I expected a very ordinary predictable show which I'm sorry to say, so many Australian dramas can be. There is nothing ordinary or predictable about this show. It just came out of the blue. I'm so glad I gave it a chance. I place it in the same class as "The Sopranos" and "Six Feet Under". It is truly an emotional roller-coaster which takes you into the lives of some very ordinary and some very damaged individuals. Its keeps its Australian flavour without shoving it on the viewer which can sometimes happen in Australian dramas. The direction is fantastic. Its almost European in some of its scenes as they don't overuse dialogue or spell everything out.Claudia Karvan and Asher Keddie are particularly fantastic but the whole cast is an incredible ensemble. I hope to see more wonderful drama series like this in the future.I look forward to seeing more of Love My Way in 2007.
    medwar29 As I don't have Foxtel, I decided to rent the first series of Love My Way on DVD one weekend. (All 10 hours) Anyway I wasn't disappointed, this Aussie drama is fantastic. I have tried to get Foxtel just so as I can see the second series, but as I can't get this will have to wait for the second series to come out on DVD. The acting is amazing and so convincing, you actually feel like you are watching people in their real lives. I love the acting between Dan Wylie and Asher Keddie, and one particular episode was so amazing I watched it again. I have never cried so much watching television as I watched this episode unfold, and this was a tear jerker. Claudia Karvan's acting abilities blew me away in this episode.Definitely a must see if you have Foxtel and if not then rent or buy it on DVD. I can't wait to see the second series, and look forward to the third which has recently been announced as being produced shortly. I give this drama 10 out of 10 and 5 stars!