| 22 August 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
    joeh1777 I've binged watched Offspring since I noticed it on Netflix earlier this year, including the most recent 7th season that was just released a few weeks ago. In general, I enjoy Australian TV a great deal more than US network TV shows. Part of it is probably the Australian over-the-air networks can get away with a lot edgier material than the US nets. In that sense, shows like Offspring resemble US shows on cable networks like FX or HBO, and those are the ones I tend to gravitate towards.Overall, I've enjoyed Offspring, even though I typically don't watch the hospital type shows like Grey's Anatomy to which I've seen some compare this too. There is a fair share of melodrama and tragedy, but it also has a much lighter air than shows like Grey's, which I appreciate.Don't read any further if you don't want to be spoiled on key show plots. But I feel like I need to address some things I liked, and things I didn't, in order to properly review the show.I do find the Proudman clan just straddles the right side of the line from being too cartoony...they each have their own struggles and demons, especially Nina and Billie...they make progress only to regress at key moments...they rebuild only to fall again. If the characters weren't likable this would get tiresome. But for the most part, even as they make the same mistakes, I found myself engaged with the Proudmans. But its a very thin line, and the show has been in danger of crossing it too far several times.I do think the show struggled a bit in the 5th and 6th seasons, after the death of Patrick. I don't have an issue with the writers killing him off (though I can only imagine Australians' reaction watching that live), and I thought the actors did a wonderful job portraying how heart wrenching that would be.It just felt one step too far in pulling on the viewer's heartstrings. To have Patrick die a week before his child was born, when a big reason for his struggles was the stillborn birth of a child with his first wife, was a bit too emotionally manipulative for me.So I think the show struggled finding a footing after that. By killing him off in such a tragic circumstance, the show has lionized Patrick as the "one great love" for Nina, when as others have pointed out, their relationship had as many downs (maybe more) as ups over the 3 seasons he was on the show.I just think they've made it hard to root for any of the subsequent men in her life; for instance her current love interest through the 7th season is probably a stronger (and healthier) relationship for her than Patrick. But as one of her ex-boyfriends comments to her in an episode (which I can't help but wonder was the the writers' way of answering critics), Patrick is always going to exist as the perfect ideal to Nina now, whether he was that in real life or not. Its hard for anyone else to compete.I also think the show has introduced too many peripheral characters recently. Did we really need yet another Proudman half-sibling at this point? And while I think the Mick/Billie relationship had really run its course, it was dispatched with so little fanfare at the beginning of season 7. I can only assume actor commitments made it impossible to bring Mick back for more closure than we got, but it was kind of weird that after all those two had been through we don't get to see the ultimate break up scene.But overall, I did think the 7th season was an improvement over 5 and 6, and has me intrigued to watch an 8th season, if there is to be one. Even if they make you want to pull your hair out, I still want to root for Nina, Billie, Jimmy and the rest of the Proudmans. If a show can do that through 7 seasons, its doing something right.
    sexwizardmoustache I've been binge watching the show in the evenings over the last few weeks. This show has been a great source of enjoyment for me and a much loved escape from the stress of every day life. And then they decided to suddenly, randomly and callously kill off Patrick's character. At first I thought and prayed it was one of Nina's visions/nightmares. But it kept going. I was in shock, I was angry, I was hurt, I cried more than I care to admit. And then the show that was once a source of great joy in my life suddenly became a source of great misery. I was no longer looking forward to watching it, I no longer enjoyed watching it either. When a show becomes MORE stressful than your real life, this is inevitable. I struggled through and forced myself to watch the fifth season, the first half of which I mostly cried through every time there was a Patrick scene and then I found myself resenting Nina for finally choosing to move on. Overall, definitely not enjoyable, unless you enjoy crying for hours and feeling like you've been kicked in the guts. I understand the actor had to move on and the writers felt they were too committed to each other to break up again and that it would be too cliché, but did it ever occur to them how this would emotionally affect viewers? At least then, we would be able to give Nina permission to move on, we'd be happy for her. We'd be able to move on ourselves. They were in counselling, so it's not like their relationship was perfect. It would have been believable for them to break up. Surely they could have found a way, any other way to cut the character that wouldn't be so hard on viewers. On that note, I felt it was really cruel and unconscionable of the writers to kill off Patrick a mere week before he was going to meet his child when he had experienced a still birth previously. Like he didn't have the right to ever experience being a father. And leaving Nina, the woman who had brought so many other women's children into the world who had their husbands by their sides was not given that same right. She was to bring her child into the world without her partner and the father of her child by her side. Just really low. If they were going to kill him off, why not do it after the child is born, give him the chance to at least meet her! No, I'm not happy with what they did to Patrick and frankly, the show will never be the same now. His death has immortalised him as the perfect partner for Nina, her "great love" and no one will ever measure up, when their relationship was far from perfect and it could have just run its natural course and we could have followed Nina's life onwards and upwards, while being allowed to be happy for her, without being left to permanently wallow in grief and sadness. I also feel that this was a light-hearted and zany comedy before and now I can't bring myself to find it funny anymore, because even moments of humour are draped in darkness and despair following what happened. I know this was probably an attempt at a ratings grab, and it may well have worked on other viewers, but you have lost me as a viewer. It's not just the shock and sadness of what has happened, I am genuinely not in the least bit interested to find out what happens in Nina's life henceforth, and certainly will not sit through her new romance with some snoozefest love interest. And no, I'm not one of those people who say they won't watch anymore and then watch anyway. Once I write off a show, there's no going back for me ever. So this is it for me, thanks Offspring writers/producers for needlessly ruining a once fantastic show.
    Maddy711 What happens when you take Neighbors (oh when will they kill that show off?) and add thought bubbles?You get - Offspring!So we have Nina back with more disastrous decisions getting herself into even more trouble than before; yes comments above are accurate when they muse how on earth does anyone on this show survive their stupidity?The justification for Nina's decisions are simple; lust. Yes every desperate female doctor needs sex and lots of it just to survive life - think "The Box meets Young Doctors" for those familiar with pre-80's Australian TV.We can all only hope this will be the last season of this show, certainly if Asher fails to get a Logie next year so we can only hope she does not and this show about the brain dead gets canned after this season.We can only hope the Australian Clinical Psychology Association makes this show a part of any treatment plan for those suffering from the inability to make good decisions about their life.
    sherieg Great actors. Good show for the most part. Some convenient writing at times and unrealistic lead characters. Funny women are great, I love that, but some backbone would help. Too much bumbling and too self absorbed (in the writing again) Wonderful actors who make most of it work though. Hot men which is fantastic. Although the first love interest (forgot his name now!) Really hot, but also had no backbone, silent responses, not enough in the reactions to make a scene. Very strange from a producing standpoint. Unrealistic again - simply for convenience of the writers. Maybe a new head writer would help. Or listen to the actors when they want to change some things. Audiences are more savvy these days. Good shows are so appreciated, please don't waste your blessings, or insult your audiences. The whole cast is brilliant. We could use some actors like that in the states. anyway... I wanted to write this review to congratulate the costume designer. Fantastic!! Almost everything in that department is stellar!. The music is great also. We have 5 seasons here on Hulu. Hope to see more! Thanks for listening to the lengthy B.S. We are required to write at least 10 lines, or they won't post it.