Little Women: LA
Little Women: LA
TV-14 | 27 May 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Konterr Brilliant and touching
    Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
    bitfly Seriously, I have never seen a creature with such a physical form.Poor guy literally has nothing going for him physically or personality wise, yet more than one of the women on the show has dated him!Are the pickings in the little people community so slim that Todd is actually the hottest ticket in town?Oh and the women on this show are all psychotic.Which is probably why I get such a kick out of the whole show.Little women NY is better though as the women (and one gaysian) aren't half as crazy as their L.A. counterparts.Elena is the only hot one on the show.I'd love to know how many copies Tonya sold of her high production "Little boss workout". My bet is on 30 tops.
    anjelicamosqueda Tonya and Terra need to go,they are mean and have an ugly personality! I won't even waste my time watching this .. I can't believe these women don't tell her anything!!Reminds me of a bimbo I used to be friends with ....Tonya you are rude & you are so disrespectful to others. You have issues girl!! Get some help! You Are an ugly person inside & out & no one should bow down to you . Your just not worth it, get over yourself..... you are what like 50 years old. start acting like it !!Terra, get a back bone girl & stop kissing Tony's ass. You need to get your head out of you own ass. When friends come to you with problems, a friend listens & doesn't judge. The only people with morales are Christy, Briana, & Jasmine. You & Terra need to stop being jealous ... Get a life you just had a baby!!! Grow up already !
    kyrxmom I agree with another reviewer! I liked Tonya at first but she acts so ridiculous! She seems so jealous and unreasonable! I don't know if she's just that insecure but it makes her very unlikable. I NEVER do message boards or reviews but as I'm watching this tonight, I needed to get it off my chest! :) She's an outwardly attractive lady but her "hater" behavior is making her "less than attractive"! I have an opinion on others but she is the one, in my opinion, who needs to CHILL! LOVE ELENA! She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!TOO MANY RULES FOR A REVIEW ON THIS SITE!! I GIVE UP!!
    sarztx I have never reviewed anything on IMDb before. I had to say something about this show because I am in love with it. The characters are fantastically intriguing! Since I found this show on Lifetime with my Fire TV...I have tried to learn as much about these leading ladies as possible. Modeling, acting, being a stunt double, working in design...etc...these women are both tough and intelligent. I would gladly let any of them into my home...and I suppose I technically already do once a week. The drama level in this show is off the charts. After each episode I try to think who was in the wrong....who was being a better person....etc... And it comes down to the fact the these women and tougher and have a stronger backbone than most. They are quick to defend their feelings and squash all injustice. I, myself, suffer from being a major push over. This show is helping me find the tools i need to want to stick up for myself and make the world treat me better. I love you girls so much!!! Great show...and nothing but mad mad MAD respect for these talented women.