Little Miss Jocelyn
Little Miss Jocelyn
| 22 August 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    bootjangler This program is the worst I have ever seen, and believe me, I've seen Tittybangbang and Peter Serofinawicz. I'm amazed that there are people commenting here who say they love it. I suppose the explanations about recognising characters from the black community may go somewhere to explain it, but even so in that sphere, all she does is shout in a particular accent. If I was an ex-pat in eg Nigeria and a white woman came on TV shouting in cockney, that in itself might amuse for 30 seconds, but when I realise there are actually no jokes and no wit, surely the amusement wears thin? Goofy teeth, strange accents and shouting does not make comedy. Take out the rude bits and this is sub-standard children's TV.
    duckbutcher-1 After succumbing to the ram-it-down-your-throat hype campaign for this show, I thought I'd give it a whirl after tonight's episode of "Never Mind The Buzzcocks" had faded off the screen. And I can honestly say that instead of sitting on my couch with an expression of bemused disgust on my face for thirty minutes, I wish I had simply stood up and head-butted the wall until my face bled.This is quite simply the worst programme I have ever seen masquerading as television comedy. Ever. Including that god awful one with Jasper Carrot where his kid's in a wheelchair or something. Watching "Little Miss Jocelyn" is like being hit in the face with a massive fish with the word "stupid" carved into its flank.It beggars belief how such a show even got commissioned, let alone made it past BBC executives, producers, script meetings, rewrites and all of the normal processes every TV show goes through, only to end up as this steaming pile of pig's offal. The only conclusion I can draw is that those in charge of our entertainment industry - get ready for the irony - really don't have the first clue about entertainment.But hey, I could sit here and bitch all day. let's go through the show. I watched. She did a cheap, "Last Of The Summer Wine"-esquire wheelchair out of control sketch. The audience whooped. I was silent but carried on watching. She dressed as a man in a fat suit. The audience howled. I was silent and carried on watching. She screamed repeatedly like a distressed boar for the entire duration of a sketch. The audience loved it, seemingly unaware of the Stupid Fish continuing its terrific facial barrage. Televisual root canal work. I carried on watching. A sketch with absolutely no direction - which appeared to be about some fitness fanatics or something - meandered on for about ten minutes. The audience seemed to like this as well, but by that time there was no doubt in my mind that they were being held at gunpoint. A small whimper escaped as I realised I had lost the use of my legs.I implore anyone who hasn't seen this show to give it a watch. You'll see just how bad television comedy can be. And a note to the BBC - There are tonnes of perfectly talented ethnic minority comedians out there. Don't give a show to the first one who comes along just to fill your quota.
    michael-lane When I watched the show for the first time I thought 'oh another Little Britain clone' but I was pleasantly surprised by the following episodes. As with all new programme's i was too quick to judge and have found myself looking forward to future episodes. However there are some sketches and characters I still don't laugh at. The bus driving character Sheson is too similar to the traffic warden character of Jiffy to me to be considered an individually comical character. Despite this I still enjoy watching the show but as a 3 non blonds fan I'm bound to be a little biased. My favourite characters in Little Miss Jocelyn are Mrs Omwukuopopo (Nigerian Polygamist), Jiffy (Parking Attendant) and Fiona (A woman who doesn't want her colleagues to learn she's black) and these characters in my opinion really make the show. A criticism i must make though is that it seems like a female version of Little Britain and The Fast Show but I don't think it was intentional on Jocelyn's behalf.
    StudioLAX This S HIT is not funny, its the perfect example of reverse racism its only on a mainstream channel because its "ethnic" and "urban". This is political correctness gone wrong, lets have stuff on TV because its funny not because the writers and/or performers are black or Jewish or Asian ie the massively unfunny Goodness Gracious Me and (sh)At Home With The Khumars. A sure sign of the lack of talent is the fact that Jocelyn is acted off the screen by the supporting cast. What follows is only to make up the amount of content necessary to be able to post this comment, please do not consider me racist as I love the comedy of Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock.
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