| 12 January 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    varmitydog I came across this at the small local library near where I live and it had such a high imdb rating that I had to check it out---and I'm glad I did.Connected stories of a families troubles in England, 1920. It was so well written that you find yourself rooting for the different characters, and their setbacks tug at your emotions. Looking at the film extra's section after I viewed it, I was surprised to see how they made the set because it all seemed so realistic. I never was one for ladies hat's, but whomever picked out the hats for the ladies in this picked out some very flattering ones, and it makes one wonder what happened to hats as a ladies fashion accessory.The only thing unrealistic about this show is that these people are all supposed to be related but they look so very different from each other.
    trudy-kain I loved this series. I wish there were a season 2. I was totally drawn into the Moss family dynamics - what a feisty, real family. I think the show accurately captures the images and the "feel" for the time (post WWI Liverpool, England.) It is 'raw and gritty', 'loving and sweet' & 'dramatic and comical' - just like real life. Nothing here is sugar coated (except for the candies). I highly recommend this to anyone who likes period dramas.
    richardbentz Review edit by Richard. RLJ Entertainment & Acorn TV has re-released the series and added subtitles. Look for that before purchase if important to you.Original review by Richard I tried to watch this series on DVD and it looks like it would be enjoyable. However, without subtitles it is impossible for this American. I just cannot understand the dialog. I get about 1 out of every 2 words.The DVD's desperately need subtitles. The producers are missing a willing audience in the USA. This is a common problem with many BBC productions that fail to add subtitles. The amount of strain and concentration required to "TRY" to catch the meaning just makes the entire experience unpleasant.Richard
    sinceverona In Liverpool just after first world war we see the lives of family Moss.The oldest sister Iris was very devoted to god and father Malia convinced her to become a nun, only because he loved her and wanted her to go away from him. Her younger sister May, a former maid in the family Brazendale, had an affair with Mr.Brazendale and got pregnant. Later she found out that it was all planed an arranged by his wife, because she could not have children. The youngest sister Ruby had a twin brother who died in the First World War. She forms a wonderful friendship with local butcher, Austrian communist which ends up in romance. The only brother Brian turns out to be a very sensitive, and he gets a job as a stuard on a cruise ship for America. Father, a widower who is a veterinarian falls in love with Miss.Bird a local school teacher. The best scene in a whole series was the one where Dadda, the father expresses his love for Miss.Bird. Brian McCardie who plays Dadda gave an excellent performance. The story of family Moss was the story of a very close family. The story was very interesting, after you laugh in one scene ,you are likely to get sad in the one that follows. I am sorry that things did not worked out more happily for Moss sisters. When father found out about Mays pregnancy he took his belt and started to hit her. Soon the other two sisters like little birds hugged her to protect her. A very emotional scene. Brian was very devoted to his sisters and a very likable character. Frank, a Mays childhood friend, had a wonderful scene when he expressed his feelings towards May.