| 13 September 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    v_tadic Gazing at Heather Locklear's skinny bottom is not reason enough for watching this feeble-minded, arrogant an racist series. Pilot episode was sickening enough to kill any desire to continue watching it.Some facts: Serbia did not exist as an independent state until 2006. There was NEVER an airline with the name "Serb" in it. The only operator was JAT Airways which had an impeccable safety score. Never in the history of this operator (established in 1927 as "Aeroput", renewed in 1947 as Yugoslav Airways) was there a drunken pilot. - When USA put a stranglehold on Yugoslavia (1991) the flights for NY (using DC-10s, not Lockheed Tristars)were discontinued. There was never any flights to LAX. The pilot uniforms were standard with golden rank markings, not those ridiculous multicolored ones. Serbian (Yugoslav)pilots never had any disciplinary problems with airport management.I am, as the majority of my compatriots, thoroughly sick and tired of Hollywood clichés with Serbs as eternal bad guys. Find another helpless victim to spit on, for a change.
    kerr-g I spent about seven years of my life as a pilot, airport bum, and air traffic controller. Airports can be very interesting, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the pilots, mechanics, controllers, coyote hunters, plumbers, dish washers, wing walkers, and bums at airports are any more interesting than the people who work and hang out at libraries. The secret to a good story is in the telling. LAX just didn't tell us any good stories, and, as I recall, SFO, the 1970 version of LAX staring Lloyd Bridges, wasn't any good at story-telling either. If you're looking for an interesting career, I can definitely recommend aviation. If you're looking for interesting stories, TV's track record suggests that you steer clear of shows that are set at airports.Bummer!
    ccherryfl Earlier, a pilot suggested LAX was flawed by a lack of technical accuracy. ER has been a runaway hit for a decade or more, and isn't a particularly accurate portrayal of emergency medicine. They do attempt a certain level of accuracy, but my friends who work in hospitals find it hilarious. I'm also a pilot, while my niece is a flight attendant. We don't speak the same language. Pilots and controllers use one set of terms, airlines another, and airport operations a third. "Niner", "Air Force One" and other terms were invented in response to incidents where pilots and controllers miscommunicated. An Emergency Room deals with hundreds of people per day from every walk of life. An airport deals with hundreds of thousands of people per day, from every nation in the world. LAX had a lot more potential than ER. That being said, it was generally wasted. Thanks to TiVo, I saw a few episodes - and a few of the plot lines I knew to have been actual incidents.I think the focus on the main actors and not the plot lines was probably the undoing of the show. In reality, the techical life of a pilot is *supposed* to be boring. It only gets exciting when someone makes a mistake. Nearly all the interesting stories are not about the aircrews, but about the passengers. Long flights and free liquor lead to interesting stories. Alcohol is amplified by altitude, as are most medical conditions. Add confined space and being disconnected from the outside world and you get "Cheers", "ER", "Melrose Place", "Big Brother" and a bit of "Survivor" all in one. I think there is no better proof than the fact that "LAX" is in the trash bin, while the documentary series "Airport" is a hit (for cable, anyway). As for my comrade, the days of pilots being romantic heroes died in the seventies. Astronauts are boring to most people - our lives are TOO technical and detail oriented. They also want the feeling that nothing will happen, ever, when they board the aircraft. We haven't been interesting since Roger, Over, and Unger were in the cockpit. So let Frank Abignale get the glory, and the union the drama. I still get a little rush when the wheels leave the ground, and the sim keeps me humble enough to feel a small sense of satisfaction when they are all back on the ground again. As the prayer goes, let me demonstrate my superior judgment rather than my superior skills. Besides, even the interesting stories make us look bad. How many pilots does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    jkd6019 I like LAX, I think it's a decent drama. It's got some humor and some dramatic situations. It's like Moonlighting--a romantic dramedy. I don't think it's any better or worse than similar shows.I caught the episode this Monday where Blair Underwood is on a plane that is having electrical problems. It had a good deal of dramatic tension, even knowing that Underwood isn't going to be killed. So, we'll see if the show has any legs. NBC seems to be interested in these sort of blockbuster-type TV shows (Las Vegas).