| 13 September 1974 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    rcj5365 The reason why the short-lived series "Kodiak" has a place in television history and one of the forgotten cop shows of the 1970's?For one,this series replaced "The Brady Bunch" which was a huge ratings winner for the five astounding seasons that it ran on ABC. And to think that network executives at ABC thought that "Kodiak" would out do "The Brady Bunch"? However,it was the opposite."Kodiak" produced four episodes(and also an unknown episode that was never telecast)and it ran on ABC-TV from September 13,1974 until its demise on October 4,1974. The series was produced by Stanley Shpetner for Warner Bors. Television. "Kodiak" was filmed on location in Alaska. For one,the series was on Friday nights at the 8:00 hour(where they put this on the same time slot where "The Brady Bunch" used to be),and it was clobbered in the ratings opposite CBS' short-lived action-adventure science fiction series "The Planet of the Apes",and opposite the NBC powerhouse comedies of "Sanford and Son",and "Chico and the Man",which were Number One in their timeslots."Kodiak" ran a half-hour and the series stars Clint Walker(Cheyenne)as Alaska State Patrolmen Cal "Kodiak" McKay who was responsible for 50,000 square miles of rugged country for all the criminals,avalanche victims,miners and con-artists he had to contend with therein the Alaskan wilderness. Basically he does get his man in every episode,and in the process rescues people in great danger with his assistant Abraham(Abner Biberman). Only four episodes were produced of this series,which I can say about some shows that don't even stay on the air more than less these days. Some of the episodes were in order:"Red Snow,White Death"(telecast 9-13-74,special guest star Stefanie Powers), "Death Chase"(telecast 9-20-74,special guest star Kay Lenz),"A Time To Die"(telecast 9-27-74,special guest star Steve Forrest),and the final episode of the series "The Last Enemy"(telecast 10-4-74,special guest star William Shatner). The unknown episode that was never telecast was titled "Lesson In Terror". After this series,it to know the reason why Clint Walker went into retirement after this.
    STEVE The reason I searched for this show is I recalled it as having been on TV in 1976. Evidently I was in error. OK....I vaguely recall this forgettable junk.... Clint(Hercules)Walker on a snow-mobile? The opening narration went something like this...."The Big Man lives in a Big Land, has a Big Job",etc.,etc.,etc. My step-brother and I would add our own narration..."The Big Man lives in a Big Land, has a Big Job, drives a Big Truck,lives in a Big House,eats a Big Meal, and takes a Big S**t, Big Deal !!" Now wouldn't that have been more memorable ?Clint should have retired after "The Dirty Dozen". Perhaps this muck is still watched with nostalgia in Alaska.
    richard.fuller1 According to the other post, Kodiak was canceled after two episodes. Very likely. Other shows have been canceled much quicker.So no one remembers Kodiak, with Clint Walker. It wasn't watched. I certainly don't remember it from when I was a kid at the age of 8.So what is Kodiak's distinction? What makes Kodiak a standout in television history?Kodiak is the show that replaced the Brady Bunch when it was canceled after it's miraculous five season run.The family Brady was sent off the air after Greg's graduation for this forgotten show about an Alaskan ranger. They have certainly outlasted him, that's for sure. But I guess it was the decision of one fellow, The network programmer, who thought he had a hunch, That Kodiak would really get high ratings, And perhaps even outdo the Brady Bunch.
    mjleger i saw this tv pilot.the series lasted 2 shows and that is 3 shows too many.the setting is alaska.clint walker plays kodiak a state trooper on a sno-mobile.the show was a half hour long not nearly long enough to do a weekly police drama.just as the show got going it was over.
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