King of the Nerds
King of the Nerds
| 17 January 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    old_dreamer I don't know what the first reviewer was expecting, but if you're a nerd, you should be well-acquainted with "lowered" (i.e. realistic) expectations. True, nerds come in many flavors, so a reality-show competition is going to be putting up apples against oranges, but so what? What are you going to do, have them all sitting around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and giving speeches about why they're nerds? Look, it's all in fun, rather tongue-in-cheek overall (losers are "destroyed" by special effects as they leave), although it's serious enough for the contestants, apparently. And really, is it any surprise that someone whose only claim to being a nerd is being a cosplayer can't compete with rocket scientists, chemists, or even dedicated/pro gamers who are also up on all the sci-fi shows and fantasy books? It is unfortunate, sad, and ironic that there is a "popularity contest" aspect to it, even if it is popularity among fellow nerds, but then, it is entitled "The King of the Nerds," not, "The Nerdiest of Nerds." The final decision comes down to a head-to-head contest. SO, if you're nerdy, like or are interested in sci-fi, fantasy, science, video games, LARPing, cosplay, musicals, logic puzzles, math, tinkering, robotics, horror movies, superhero comics and movies... I call this a "must see" show! Imagine you are one of the competitors -- match your knowledge to theirs -- cheer on the one most like you, or that you like for some other reason. Just don't get too emotionally attached or take anything too seriously. Enjoy being a nerd!
    Animus The show is nothing special, i mean we have shows about cooks, shows about hunters, shows about people who buy storage buildings, shows about truck drivers, so a show about who is the "best" nerd is nothing special. The problem with the show is two-fold. First and foremost as they recognize there are many types of nerds yet the goal of the show is to sit atop the "Throne of Games", a twist on the popular "Game of Thrones" which is a much better show to watch than this one, but I digress. The show tries to cover a lot of types of nerds as as such most contestants are at a disadvantage most of the time since the challenges cover a diverse range of skills. On a cooking show you might be asked to make desserts one week and Italian food the next but you still use the same tools and the same skills. Creating a cos-play costume is NOTHING like piloting a drone, winning at chess, or answering obscure trivia. The second problem is how the winner is actually chosen. The whole concept is to focus on nerds, people who are perceived as social misfits, the kids never chosen for sports or to be prom queen, yet in the end the winners chosen BY A POPULARITY CONTEST! Epic Fail.
    Jack Tan The hosts were awesome! They were our(fellow nerds) heroes growing up... I loved them in Revenge of the Nerds! Also the fact that they have a place called Nerdvana is supremely appropriate! It really is too bad that some of the best nerds were some of the first to go out (Jon, Hendrik, and Brandon)...all 3 in the first 3 episodes. Don't get me wrong, the other nerds on the show are super awesome nerds and were delightful in their own nerdish ways, but those 3 were some of the most "colorful" nerds on there. As Celeste put it, Brandon was adorkable and he was by far my favorite. In the end, a lot of them remind me of my fellow nerd friends (past and current) and they each have a nerd "flavor" that I could definitely feel the essence of from comic nerds/gamers/science & math nerds/fantasy & rpg nerds. I love how in the end the King of the Nerds was chosen by their fellow nerds... it may be true that a popularity contest is not very nerd-like, but the fact that everyone voting is a high-caliber nerd made it right.
    Foxbarking I was really looking forward to this show from the first time it was advertised. I have always fit very securely in the nerd demographic. The commercials made it look like it was going to be the new rave in reality television.It has not lived up to those expectations. There are some interesting participants in the competition. Some of the guests are fun to see. But honestly, I am failing to see the point in the competition. The Throne of Games looks quite stupid and sitting on it seems to be the only prize the winner will get. None of the players really seem motivated to win it. In the episode tonight, Virgil's attitude is the correct one. He has lost all interest because there is no reason to have it. Alana was the only nerd who seemed motivated to win and she was the single most annoying reality show character since Puck in the third Real World.The competitions are boring. Cosplay is not fun when you make up your own characters. The point of it is that you get to BECOME an actual character in media. If you are just making up costumes and playing, it's not Cosplay. The video game competition had the nerds piloting a hovering device rather than playing video games. The nerdoff sets are subparr compared to Ren Faire sets.Nothing else about the show works either. Nerdvana as a nerd paradise leaves a lot to be desired. Curtis Armstrong and Robert Carradine's participation seems forced.All I can say is that it seems like they threw this show together way too quickly. The idea was great, but they should have worked to get sponsors that would make the competition more interesting. They could work with Marvel or Tite Kubo to cosplay Marvel or Bleach. They could have had actual video games on consoles. It is just so unfortunate that such a great idea was so poorly executed.