Jason and the Argonauts
Jason and the Argonauts
| 07 May 2000 (USA)
  • 1
  • Season 1 : 2000 | 2 Episodes

    Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
    Bardlerx Strictly average movie
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    david-sarkies I guess the reason that I originally bought this DVD was because it was based on an Ancient Greek legend, however I must admit that the text that we have of this (The Argonautica) is pretty average compared to some of the other texts that we have available. However, at least the movie covers more than the 1963 film, though by doing so it sort of throws the film out to something like three hours. Throw in some fairly average acting and you pretty much have what probably amounted to a television mini-series.The story is sort of faithful to the original, though Heracles stays around longer than he does in the book. In the book he gets left behind after one of Jason's stops along the way, nor is he killed. In fact the death of Heracles in this film could not be any further from the truth, since according to legend, Heracles pretty much committed suicide by throwing himself onto his own funeral pyre.I also found the Negro Orpheus to also be a bit far fetched. To me it seemed that this character was the token Negro, which in a sense really does annoy me. Orpheus was a Greek, not a Negro. Not only do they have the token Negro, but they also have the token girl that goes along as well, and nothing of the sort ever happens in the original. In fact Greeks never bothered with token characters, but then because their stories are based on myth, and also because the Greek were pretty racist, and sexist, the thought of having token characters would, to them, have been stupid. If the Greeks wanted to criticise some of their long standing prejudices, then the playwright (or storyteller) would focus on a myth that involved a woman or a foreigner.
    prudhoeboy This movie is a good example of what happens when making the leading man "cool" is more important that making a good movie. Jason London was a serious miscast for this otherwise salvageable, but still under-perfoming movie. Most of the women in the movie had more grit than he did, and did all the leading.Lack of imagination and special effects was also a big problem. No serious thunderbolts, spooky mists, raging storms or anything else to make the viewer feel like it is an adventure. What animation there was was cheesy bordering on cartoony. The Gods were not credible for another. No scene of Zeus on throne on Olympus or anything. The ocean voyages looked more often like sunny summer cruise to Catalina rather than a perilous mythological adventure.Finally, and possibly the most damning, was the mishandling of how the fleece was presented. No retrospective on how it came to be, it's powers, etc., etc. So why would anyone want to look for it?
    ricky_says_hi of course this miniseries is nothing spectacular and wont be remembered but its still good to watch I'm not a Greek mythology expert but i am familiar with the story and this is quite faithful to the myth. to the question about Atalanta, she was not in the original film yes but she did appear in the myth. some historians say Jason wouldn't allow a woman on the ship but in other versions she is part of it. the whole crush on Jason thing isn't right though. Jason London of course is not stand out as the hero but he does play the role well enough Brian Thompson is an excellent choice for Hercules, too bad he didn't have more focus but the "fall of Hercules" was greatly done Jolene Black looks amazing as Medea and has the right look for the part. she can be a bit wooden at times but what can you do? Natasha Henstridge could have been given a bigger role and her segment in the story was a bit boring but it was in the myth as for Orpheus why are so many people outraged that he was black? its not like he was talking in urban slang and acting like a pimp. he was cool and the actor portrayed him well Dennis Hopper of course was annoying as his voice droned on but i guess that is good as he was playing a villain and so he made us hate him the other actors were all good apart from this one guy with a Geordie accent who had good sight. his lines didn't fitthe action sequences were very well done. Poseidon looked cool and real enough, the dark rocks scene was exciting and the fight with that dragon was well choreographed. i didn't like the harpies or the bull because the CGI looked a bit bad on them but the action was good. the flee from Colchis was brilliant and quite exciting. the last part of the movie is kinda pointless especially a scene where Zeus tries to seduce Medea. of course the ending is complete bull as Pelias was killed by Medea and sneakily. her and Jason did not become king and queen and the tale did not have a happy ending. overall it is good entertainment and a decent stab at adapting a famous myth
    nxylas It's such a shame that Mystery Science Theater 3000 isn't made any more. This movie contains so many unintentionally funny lines that the script practically writes itself, but somehow you just know that Mike and the 'bots would crank it up to the next level, making fun of stuff that us mere mortals didn't even notice.And yes, Jason London's performance is every bit as bad as everyone says it is. I just couldn't take him seriously when he was supposed to come across as a leader of men, woodenly delivering his not very inspirational pep talks to the crew. Still, no film that features a fire-breathing robot bull can be all bad, I suppose.