Is O.J. Innocent? The Missing Evidence
Is O.J. Innocent? The Missing Evidence
TV-14 | 15 January 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Brent Brent Probably the most disappointing documentary I've ever seen. Ever! This was several hours long ... each episode being 45 minutes that could have better been spent watching paint dry or counting trains go by. Seriously all relevant info. could have been fit into 60 minutes yet they stretched it out an entire season. An example of this ... they want to see if the timeline is correct that Jason Simpson could have driven from work to his girlfriends house to the crime scene at 10:30 pm on a Sunday. So they go out and make the drive on a weekday afternoon in LA when traffic is bad. They get there and one detective says to the other that he thinks traffic would be different at night. So they make the drive again!!! Ever heard of editing? They left both complete drives in.Beyond that sort of stuff which stretches the series out horribly ... including using the same video and audio clips several times throughout the series in different episodes which is a pure sign of hackery ... everything they consider evidence is mostly speculative. Each 'bombshell' piece of evidence is so out there that it would not hold up in any court. At one point they bring out Jason Simpson's journals from a storage locker and some notes one of the detectives find in his trash which have a few sentences about him being sick of 'being Jeckyl and Hyde' and they base the next two episodes around bringing in 22 year old hack psychologists to try to prove that means he's insane enough to murder.The show consists of 3 main characters. There's a crotchety old detective who believes Jason Simpson is guilty and argues everything that way. If there's a picture of Jason (a chef) holding a knife at work, this guy then wants to spend 10 minutes of the episode bringing in forensics experts to refute that it's not the murder weapon. And so on ... Then there's 'the skeptic' who is a former LAPD guy and takes the Devil's Advocate point of view and argues with the guy who believes Jason Simpson did it purely for the TV entertainment value. Finally, there is a Rhode Island cop who looks like every frat boy you ever saw out at a bar doing shots of Jager with the 'bro crew'. He's just kind of there.At one point it got so dumb I had to stop watching because I knew it was all fake garbage reality TV. One of them brings out the If I Did It book which was OJ's 'hypothetical' confession. Now this is a series which literally spends tons of time on the dumbest most minute little scrap of evidence. These are supposedly trained detectives. Yet supposedly, the RI frat boy cop never heard of the book in which OJ lays out his hypothetical version of the murders which includes an accomplice and a blackout. The RI cop's fake surprised acting when they tell him about the book is so bad ... As if anyone going into a project like this wouldn't know about that book. He sits there with a horribly badly acted shocked look and says, 'Are you kidding me?' Schlick alert ...Bottom line, I am an OJ case fanatic. Partly because growing up during that time, it all made no sense to me and I think a part of my generation is really trying to figure out what happened. I've read all the books, watched all the shows and interviews. It's not like I don't know OJ did it ... I'm more fascinated by how society let him get away with it. This documentary did nothing at all ... zero ... towards helping figure that our or at the very least entertain the audience. I would literally probably enjoy watching an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians than watch another minute of this poorly produced, terribly edited and boring snooze fest of bad detective work.
    bew-31931 After Lange says, Blood, Blood and more Blood, you can change channels unless you want to laugh a lot.Only value was Tom Lange's appearances, and even he was disappointing when he said "there it is" as a fake Bronco was produced with reproduced blood stains.Stop doing these Mr Goldman....please, don't dignify them with the time. Same thing Tanya Brown who likely had to be heavily edited when "Gamechanger" mentioned Jason or begged to stay for a minute after she likely told him to get out off camera. Hope Jason and the home owners at Rockingham and Bundy sue Dear, Sheen and this sham. How many times did they go there or the fake time test at night to film private property? (good thing they were not pulled over for speeding) So after all that the cop on Big Brother "Game-changer" (take a drink every time he said it Levasseur) and the other guy paid $50,000 for a court appearance could not call up the restaurant owner and the partner they interviewed when they were not showing the time clock and ask if the time cards were two-sided A-B? That and Dear threatening grand jury after he produced nothing but some guy who was trying very hard to pass a polygraph who of course learned of this show filming. (and happened to call in) Priceless, was that the baseball card guy on Better Call Saul?They sure had time to keep running out to get Kato more face-time before the show wrapped suddenly to see Georgia Hardstark desperately trying to hide her tattoo on television vs internet version. Hint-Maybe OJ got out of the driver side and opened the passenger door and reached in? The funny thing is the camera quality and overhead shots were right there with O.J Made in America, the slo-mo of the posse walking in the street sums up how fake this was.The handwriting expert meeting them outdoors for a minute, and rubber stamping a hand-writing sample as identical even Vincent Laguardia Gambini would have destroyed, it was beyond funny to see someone walk outside, look at a writing sample and just know it's Jason Simpson.
    danioralia There is no way I believe OJ is innocent but it's interesting to have on for background TV I guess. I just cannot stop staring at how bad the makeup is on these guys. In one scene when they are looking at a duplicate Bronco in a underground parking garage they look green as if an ill person. I dunno it may sound funny but what has my attention so much in watching this is me not getting over how bad the makeup artist is here in the touch ups. It bothered me enough that I actually had to look this up to leave a comment. I have always been interested in watching OJ documentaries this case is one I remember so vividly as a 8 year old when it happened. This documentary has my least amount attention though, it also appears super scripted so my interest was easily getting lost when this is a topic I'm normally glued to.
    SentientSight The production quality of this series is very good. Unfortunately nothing else about it is.6 episodes and they finally work out what took the police back in 1994 seconds to see. Of course if they had worked out that their smoking gun evidence was total BS at the start then they wouldn't have a show.Watching this show I felt sorry for the family of all involved, including the production crew. This show must have put a few lawyer's kids through university based on the Slander it portrays as evidence. There is the occasional disclaimer but even that is spoken in a token way.If you want to see 6 hours of what many would describe as "Cyber Bullying" if done online, then watch the whole show, but all the info is presented in the last episode. If your still interested watch that first and judge if the show is worth it for you.Given enough time and effort anyone could be linked to many different crimes or events. Especially if you only show evidence that supports your theory.