Iron Resurrection
Iron Resurrection
TV-PG | 13 April 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    richopp The skills of the people are clearly obvious; they are excellent at what they do.I just wonder why this show and one or two others on Velocity have to reinforce the stereotypes that are associated with people from this part of the country and why they have to speak like uneducated idiots when it is obvious that they are not only skilled but wise and intelligent business people?I suppose the producers of these shows believe that they will only be popular if their supposed audience can "relate" to people who sound as juvenile and ridiculous as they pretend to. I am not referring to their natural/sometimes slightly exaggerated accents, only the scripts written for them to add "drama" or whatever to the show. I realize this is sold as entertainment, but I think they are turning off many viewers with this misguided approach.These are successful and creative professionals; write scripts that focus on the amazing work they do and give us a break from the down-home, folksy childishness.
    toallen-10986 I watch Iron Resurrection every time it comes on, even if I've seen it before. It is without a doubt the best build show on TV in my opinion. They cut up and carry on like most shops I've been in in my life, and there's no made up drama for effect on the show. Unlike so many others on TV today. I love to watch shorty and the paint he comes up with is awesome, and the way he explains the in's and out's of the body and prep work he does before spraying I find very interesting. Of course that may be because I've never done any body work on a car I owned. I also like the designs that Martin comes up with is more to my liking. He doesn't go too far, just far enough to make the beast look as good as it runs. I certainly hope this show stays on for a long time, I really enjoy it. Tim Allen, Tn.
    waynedoran-55095 This is one of the very best car / bike shows on the air today. The skills required to do some of the work takes years and years of practice. The show keeps getting better and better as they go along. I am also very happy to see that Shag has got most of the barbecue sauce out of his beard, I am sure it won't be long before its all gone and his beard is all white.Wayne
    bobbyqu I love this show. The one thing you don't here is Bleep, Bleep, Bleep. Please tape some more shows and give us something to watch that is also nice to listen to. This crew gets along well with each other and that's how you get the job done. The workmanship here is great I would like to see them build a rat rod. It's nice to see a show that will teach you some tricks of the trade, (heating to install a ball joint). It's little things that kids can learn on TV that will come in handy later in life. Show us some more please. My wife will watch this show because it is a nice show to watch. She says that the only thing I watch is "Cussin' and Killin" shows. Some folks have no taste when it comes to entertainment.