In the Motherhood
In the Motherhood
| 26 March 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    paterick-1 Since the recommendation before me was obviously written by a studio exec I want to say this show should be canceled and all copies should burned. I love Megan Mullally, but even she couldn't rescue this sinking ship. Not only are the lines predictable and droll but every one of these "mothers" have to force their horribly written dialogue. Cheryl Hines is possibly the worst offender, her out of breath mistimed quips shadow anything good this show might offer. Every single one of these woman look nearly 20 years to old to be playing their characters! Don't waste your time trying to find the laughs because they are few and far between.
    Jay Raskin I was clicking around when I found this. I hadn't heard anything about it, but I fell in love with it in the first three minutes. Basically the show gives us the really silly side of raising kids. Cheryl Hines (Curb Your Enthusiasm) and Megan Mulluley (Will and Grace)are terrific as always. I'm a father with a 14 year old daughter, so I totally relate to the humor, although I think mothers and children are the target audience.I'm afraid that ABC has decided that it doesn't really want the series, as it apparently has only ordered six episodes and has thrown them on without any advance warning. It is likely that 70% of the people who would have loved the show if ABC had put it on as a new show in September, will never get a chance to sample it.
    barrylevy I keep hearing a reading that this show is getting bad press, and I don't get it. I'm not a mother. I'm not even a woman. I'm not even a person with kids. I'm not even a mother or woman or a person with kids who likes sitcoms, and I have only liked and watched the best sitcoms ever made. Seinfeld, Fraser, Cheers, Friends, The Odd Couple (yes I'm that old) ... that's about it for me. I'm just a guy who happened to catch the show with my wife and I laughed my butt off. Now, for me to watch an entire sitcom is a feat in itself. To watch one about mothers is 2 feats. (insert joke here). So congrats to In The Motherhood for entertaining me. I plan to watch every episode. Well Done!
    melodycjohnson In the Motherhood is genius! It was SO super hilarious! I hope they show more episodes of this show! I cannot wait, my whole family loves it. AND we had all of our friends and family watch this show!!!! We love it! We can't wait until the next episode this Thursday! We are so excited! In the Motherhood just absolutely blows me away! Also it's using real stories from actual women. So it's based on a true story! That's pure genius!Our favorite characters were the 3 leads (Rosemary, Jane, and Emily)!Amazing idea guys!Keep the episodes coming! Don't cancel the show!