Human Cargo
Human Cargo
| 04 January 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
    Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
    Michelle Ridley The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
    Joanne McInnes I enjoyed this miniseries, it really showed the struggle of the immigration system. It showed the struggle of one man's journey from his village in Africa thru adversity to get to this country (CANADA). It also shows the fear of another refugee of racial profiling. Being a Muslim woman she is treated as a suspect before being proved. Nicholas Campbell is a Canadian favourite as an actor, and his performance is excellent also. This movie was a real eye opener and did not glaze over the truth of what must be every day situations for some refugees. This movie made me appreciate my birthright and citizenship, and want to do more to be more supportive of those new to this country.I recommend it.
    Richard Maurer (ram-30) Like the main character Jery Fisher(Nicholas Campbell), this mini-series does it's very best to convince us that immigrants deserve the right to come to Canada as it is likely a better alternative to their previous home. The clients that Fisher supports are not saints either: one is a rude chauvinist; another associates with Mid East terrorists. Still, Fisher, the soft toughie(like Campbell's TV alter ego Dominic DaVinci) supports them at the risk of his own social life and well being. What I was amazed with was the casting which took Canadian actors from all genres: Dan Joffre(a co-star with Campbell on the dramatic series DAVINCI'S INQUEST) is a comedic actor by nature, Cara Pifko is a light romantic actress( as in the TV series OUR HERO and her new, equally impressive series THIS IS WONDERLAND), and Eugene Lipinski is a serious dramatic actor. To round things off, we have the well rounded R.H. Thompson who's becoming the mini-series king, Canada's answer to Richard Chamberlain. The mini-series that this most reminds me of is ROOTS as they share the same two continents and similar themes. The scene where Moses, the African teacher, is fleeing his oppressors after being cut on the foot is reminiscent of Kunta Kinte. Overall, the series is overlong but enlightening.
    tedbear All is not black in white in this superb dramatization of the real story behind today's headlines of persons from various countries attempting to enter Canada from war torn, poverty stricken countries . In a beautifully filmed, wonderfully acted and directed masterpiece, we see `Boat people' from China off the coast, Islamic fanatics caught at the US Border entering Canada from the south, modern day `slaves' escaping horrible conditions in African mines. Kate Nelligan , one of the finest actors in the world today is fantastic as a Canadian immigration board member who must confront her racist attitudes as she listens to the horror stories of the cross section of humanity that she must judge each day. All this while her own daughter is on the front lines volunteering as an aid worker in the midst of an ethnic cleansing war in Africa. The various stories are ingeniously intertwined in a drama that you just can't leave. Shown on the CBC in Canada, this should definitely be required viewing for everyone in the rest of the world. This is the best mini series that I have seen in my 50 years of watching American and Canadian television.
    rps-2 At this point I have seen only the opener of this three part series but I am EAGERLY anticipating the rest of it. Controversial. Dramatic. Frank. Brilliant plot. Fine performances. Superb production. This is the sort of thing CBC should be doing and this series proves they can do it well. I have seen nothing better on UK or US television.Immigration (legal and illegal), racism and multicultural politics are huge Canadian issues. Human Cargo addresses them all in a challenging, mature and accurate manner. This is one of those programs that you will discuss at breakfast next morning!