Hot Wheels Battle Force 5
Hot Wheels Battle Force 5
| 29 August 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
    ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
    Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Kodie Bird True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    dakotabennett-28484 The power of car is ultimately good therefore charter development gets better battel wheel hotweele five is the best anime of ALL tIMEthough it goes against the Home Improvement established universe it is nice charge off pace from the regular iitimelane which is liike i find goodtwo many of the lion king shows up when irelly likke ternimator in this movie
    stormca-62849 This show is amazing in every way. This is suitable for all ages considering even my parents loved this. I first saw this show in 8th grade and kept watching it until the finale! My only complaint is that they didn't release the movie Full Revolution in any English country. The humor is fresh and the action well thought out.The characters are so memorable. The presentation is amazing and I will never forget this show! It was a good break from the dark and edgy Acceleracers. Why does everybody want dramatic story driven plots today? Anyways, this show is awesome and I hope to see it back up again. Unfortunately it was replaced by "Team Hotwheels" (Bad replacement). This show will always hold a place in my heart.
    Hendmail It is an overall good kids show, it may not have the most complex plot and is a comedy half the time, but it still comes together just fine.The character and world designs are neat and fun, and there is just a bit of character development.Cons: The main cons of the show is that it will pull out a lot of "That one cool teenage kid" type scenes/stories and have to many cliché type characters, also there are times where 1 out of 10 episodes doesn't develop the story at all and might as well been a 20 minute webisode, don't get me wrong they're still fun but they are disconnected from the plot.Pros:When the show gets down to it they can develop the story pretty well and have some funny moments thrown in as well, it generally teaches good morals and is an overall fun show to watch, the animation is in the classic NerdCorps style and is quite vibrant and I find it quite enjoyable.Would I recommend it? Yes and no, if you're picky, you don't like cheesiness and you prefer things to be serious at all times this isn't the show for you. But if you're like me, and you enjoy some silly humor, likes the art style, doesn't mind a fast pace and ideas of the show then this is certainly worth a watch.
    bhydryr With the absence of more reviews, I'll get straight to the point: Battle Force 5 is a great show in all aspects. The Animation and production values are fantastic, great quality, the voice work is good, likable characters, every episode is though out and unique. It appeals to a wide audience, especially considering the general positive and engaging themes of the show. The show centers around the Battle Force 5 Team, assembled by Sage, a Blue Sentient being from the Multiverse. She was saved by Vert Wheeler, who comes to lead Sage's new group. Although referred to as Battle Force 5, the 5 refers to the Cars and not the team members, as only 5 vehicles can be on a mission at a time. The team travel to different "Battle Zones", where they engage in combat typically with the Sark or Vandals, but in later episodes it's the Red Sentients. As I'm sure you expected, BF5 are a force to be reckoned with. But it is not as predictable as you may think, as each mission requires the critical thinking and expertise of each team member (Usually one in particular must do something challenging or accomplish an amazing feat to help the others), and each challenge to the team is something completely unique.If you're unsure about this show, just give it one episode and see how you feel. I'd be hard pressed to find something I don't like about BF5, But I'll let you know when I get the new Fused on DVD. To sum it up, I start practically every morning with a cup of coffee and Battle Force 5. So should you