Hit the Floor
Hit the Floor
| 27 May 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    jaunipol This show should be cancelled...the worse actors/actress and story line. This show is just going nowhere...dragging out for no reason whatsoever. It's like i have absolutely no clue whats going on with all these characters. They seem to have some hidden secret that we the viewers have to spend all season trying to figure out. LHATL is a fake reality show but i tell you what...they do a pretty darn good job at pretending in front of the cameras than these set of people who are paid actors. Please VH1 find us another show in that time slot. Don't these writers watch Breaking Bad..Sons of Anarchy...walking dead etc? these shows get to the point quickly and move on to the next story line. No villain should be floating around untouched for so long...it's ridiculous!! Please VH1 cancel this show already..Please!!!!...Please!!!! Please !!!!.
    rk1579 The show has a racially diverse cast. They are all beautiful. Especially Logan Browning, the sexy and opportunistic villain. I can not wait to see more of Katherine Bailess. She makes the show sexy and fun to watch. I love the dancing! Great show! My only wish is that there were full episodes of the show available to watch on a mobile platform so that I could enjoy the show at work. The music adds energy to the show. It's current and gives another level of dimension to the show. I can not wait to see more of the characters develop. It's refreshing to see actors who are physically beautiful and are actually able to "act". They may not be as intense as Julia Roberts or Al Pacino, but I don't think the show is made to be intense, but rather entertaining. It hits the mark!
    ravenscorpion I like the show.Its fun, and many of the characters are fun to watch, especially Asha and the cute yet so evil Jelena.A show does not need to have A-list actors and Emmy caliber dialog/scripts to still be entertaining. I watch shows to be entertained, not to critique the dialog.This show reminds me somewhat of the Hellcats TV series a couple of years ago, but with less focus on the actual cheering and more on the behind the scenes drama. That show only lasted a year though as network TV has higher ratings requirements than Cable. Being a VH1 series I'm hopeful for a second season.
    cafesmitty So I watch another program on VH1 and I saw the adverts for this show. Being a straight guy, I figure the show would be tailored made for me, hot chicks wearing skimpy outfits dancing to a good grove. I couldn't be more wrong. The chicks are hot, but the writing, acting. music and directing is so atrocious that it inspired me to read, go hiking, count the imperfections in my ceiling.. anything but watch this show. The characters are cookie cutter characters... the new and kind girl who wants to be friends with everyone. The head evil cheerleader who is extremely mean spirited. Throw in the love interest, the basketball player who LITERALLY gets run into by accident by the new girl. And throw in the most unlikely person to play a coach of a head basketball team, Dean Cain (Lois & Clark). How this show ever get green-lit it is beyond me but it is a complete garbage of a show. The tryouts, the dancing tryouts? Uninspiring. Completely horrible. It as if this show has no one coordinating as they "actresses" (use very loosely) basically spin and hop like a chicken with it's head cut off that ran into an electrified fence! Then the worse of worse... line delivery... I am not even remotely an expert but I know bad when i hear it and it doesn't even measure up as "good" as bad. In the end, here is a show about cheer leading tryouts in the NBA, and a cheer squad, in a sunny location, with hot women in revealing outfits, throw in a relative hip hop beat, and it is the most boring thing on TV. Enough to stop me watching the moment that the cheerleader ran into the NBA player... (and the NBA player.. just some random black guy they probably grab from a local Olive Garden or Applebee's). And by the Power of my remote control, I have vanquished thee from my television.
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