TV-Y7 | 12 September 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    MartinHafer For years, this show and "Time Squad" were programs I actively looked for to buy. After all, I used to be a history teacher and loved how the shows made fun of our past. Plus, if I had to be forced to watch a cartoon with my kids, I sure preferred these to the rest of the recent cartoons. However, I have just about given up hope, as years later, they STILL have not been released.So what did I like about "Histeria!". Well, it wasn't its historical accuracy, that's for sure. But I did appreciate how it taught the kids a bit of history but couched it in humor. Additionally, I loved how there was plenty of humor for the adults--such as the very funny lady censor who kept interrupting the show during its bawdier moments. All in all, fun, semi-educational and clever. My only reason for not giving it a higher score is that like so many made for TV cartoons, the quality of the animation was only about average.
    Victor Field This attempt to mix history with comedy in cartoon form didn't quite work, though not for lack of trying. Tom Ruegger and Co filled the series with too many characters (as listed in the opening song by Ruegger and the late Richard Stone) - Father Time, Big Fat Baby, Loud Kiddington, Pepper Mills, Charity Bazaar, Aka Pella, Toast, Miss Information, Froggo, World's Oldest Woman... and they all basically had to take a back seat to whichever people, places and things were at the heart of that particular episode. Of course, "Animaniacs" and "Tiny Toon Adventures" had a ton of characters as well, but they weren't all seen every week.This was pretty funny, but in at least one instance (the episode featuring slavery and the Underground Railroad) the need to educate overtook the need to entertain - I think this had more to do with the subject matter than the country it was in, as the series was overall just as irreverent about American history as the rest of the world's. But it did strike an odd note. (And this may be the only animated series to turn Lizzie Borden into a comic figure - nothing like playing a murderess for laughs to win over the kiddies, eh?)"Histeria!" is neither the best animated series from Warners (although it's still better than "Road Rovers" or "The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries") nor the best historical animated series (France's "Once Upon A Time..." shows beat this hands down), but until I get a chance to see if the "Schoolhouse Rock" shows are as good as they reportedly are this'll do. And it certainly beats "The Magic School Bus," even if the latter does have Little Richard singing the theme song.
    hungus Histeria! is a great series that reaches a broad age range. Histeria! is a program which allows a set cast of characters to interact with many of histories great personalities in their own way, while introducing the viewer to lifestyles and conditions in which they lived. Younger children will enjoy its simplicity, action and the chorus. Older viewers (I am 27 myself, and working on my masters) will get a lot of the higher brow humor, it is in this way that the show reminds me of much older animation. 9 stars out of 10
    plok253 Histeria is a wonderful cartoon that takes well known history stories and makes them entertaining! History was never this fun! Of course, the stories are much different from before, so the show isn't the most educational show ever, but it makes up for that with its entertainment. The writers were obviously thinking "What would it be like if Napoleon and Alexander the (Not So) Great lived in the society we live in today?" This is one of the reasons this show is so entertaining. It mixes normally boring history lessons with everyday characters and life situations of the present. This makes the show very entertaining. Definitely worth a look!