High Society
High Society
| 30 October 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
    BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    hipcohkil4-711-305367 I found this comedy magnetic and extremely funny. The chemistry between the two women flowed like an electrical charge that energized the humor and the humor and dialog were dead-center sync to the plot lines. It was a well-rounded and seamless and, like most 1st-season shows, a little vulnerable, but without the usual bumbling and apologies that go with a new show. It was great theater and funny enough to re-knot my belly button a few times per episode.The constant comparison to "Ab Fab" seems to state more about the utter lack of imagination on the part of the reviewers than an actual likeness. "Ab Fab" was scored along the lines of "Benny Hill" and "High Society" was scored closer to some of the modern-day TV comedies like "Scrubbs" or "Desperate Housewives".
    xwiseguyx I never was a big fan of Absolutely Fabulous....so maybe that's why I liked this one so much! Although when they got rid of the Val character, it was a death blow to the show - I still have one of the episodes on tape because I enjoyed it so much. This was the episode where Stephano quit and Val took over the office. I've watched this with numerous friends numerous times and no one has hated it (as the person before me claimed). I'm unsure if this is because he may have only seen one episode. Anyhow, I had a feeling this would not make it because it was over the top and not a great fit for Murphy Brown (more like something that would go well with Will & Grace). Perhaps when the Gay network is up and running, they will put this on again.
    TelevisionJunkie Often-compared to "Absolutely Fabulous," but really nothing like it, "High Society" should have been an enormous hit. Jean Smart and Mary McDonnell had remarkable chemistry together and the writing was top-notch, which should have been enough to keep the series afloat. Wrong. Some people had a hard time picturing Smart as anything but her homely character from "Designing Women," despite the fact most of her roles have been closer to Ellie than Charlene. Critics trashed it. Even actor John Schneider trashed it in an interview on TNN (then he subsequently ended up on "Veronica's Closet"). In several reviews, the characters in "Society" were criticized for laughing at their own jokes. Yet a few years later, Megan Mullally was hailed on "Will and Grace" for doing that same thing. Take the two characters from this show and roll them into one and you have "Will and Grace"'s Karen Walker, complete with Dott's look and Ellie's last name. Personally, I think this was one of the funniest sitcom of all time - too bad it was so closely compared to AbFab that very few people remember it!
    amykay AbFab was successful in England. In fact, it was successful in America! Americans LOVE AbFab. So of course it made sense to try try try to make an American AbFab. AmFab, perhaps? But it just couldn't work. It could never work. Americans like to see themselves in a certain light. Sure, we drink. But the people we want to WATCH drinking are either funny southern/mountain folk, or angry violent urban youth... not middle-aged wealthy moms. Middle-aged wealthy moms have a pretty wide berth here, of course, but it just doesn't go that far. High Society may have offered less of everything we didn't want, but how could you really have anything resembling AbFab if you couldn't construct a situation where, say, Patsy wakes up in a garbage barge, and it's COMPLETELY RIGHT!?!