Heaven's Lost Property
Heaven's Lost Property
TV-MA | 05 October 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    Micransix Crappy film
    Konterr Brilliant and touching
    kawaiipuffychan Heaven's Lost property (Soro No Otoshimono) Is hilarious! Girl crazy Tokomi Sakurai life is turned , just when beautiful winged Angeloid Ikaros falls from the sky. and starts to call Tokomi "Master." As Angeloids are supposed to find their "Masters." As Ikaros says that Angeloids are supposed to serve all the purposes from their "Masters."Later as more Angeloids come there is Nymph who is also an Angeloid just like Ikaros.Tokomi who wants to live a normal and peaceful life also finds it difficult with his neighbor Sohara Mitsuki. Who also has a powerful Karate chop.Tokomi is a perv. For example , Tokomi asked Ikaros one to help him turn into a girl , so he could go into the girls shower room.On the last swim class day he turns into water to gape the girls boobies. Other than that not a lot of nudity however , some partial nudity in the shower room scene not to much.Some Angeloid outfits are sexy and don't cover a lot some times.Live I stated Tokomi is a perv.The situations they get into are entertaining/amusing.I enjoyed how in some scenes the characters were "Chibi."Animation is good , and the Manga I really enjoyed it would watch again , and recomend to others Tv rating is TV-MA
    rocklobster-82616 Despite the fact that this is a harem ecchi anime there is a lot more to it then meets the eye. This anime is one that can be watched over and over again it has really catchy opening and closing songs and lots of humor that will have you constantly laughing like crazy and rewinding it asking yourself "Did that really just happen" while they do show lots of boobs and butt you will quickly realize tomoki is much more then your typical high school pervert the only sad thing of the anime is that there isn't enough of it and it will quickly have you asking for more every character from tomoki to ikaros and even the sadistic mikako and the idiotic astraea will all have you falling in love with them before you know it as a starter anime this one is one that will get you hooked before you know it
    awesomest59 i watched both seasons and one movie and they were amazing. some people don't like it because of the ecchi (inappropriate scenes and all that stuff) but if you can over look that the story is really good and sad and everything.some of the scenes people just are like thats weird but its just an other thing that makes it great and funny. the humor is good and the story gets you really attached to the characters. wouldn't recommend this to people that can't handle ecchi scenes. the only bad thing is that the main character is almost always in a chibi form (which adds to the humor most of the time). really good really funny and just a good anime to watch.
    ikrani Why? People rate this as one of the greatest harem anime of all time. Surely something like this cannot possibly turn me away, given how much I love the harem genre as it IS the melting pot of anime.I do not hate the story. I think the idea of a pseudo-Heaven spitting out hot cybernetic girls to make life interesting for us mortals is a really cool and original idea. The Angeloids themselves are great, the most interesting of them being the main one, Ikaros, whose past is locked away in the realm of amnesia to be slowly revealed as the show goes by. The eccentric nerd is pretty funny, as is his pseudo-love interest who I'm pretty sure has mob connections. The animation is BEAUTIFUL, being some of the most fluid and dynamic I've ever seen in an anime.So why do I hate this show? Two words: Tomoki Sakurai. Oh my God, if all the annoyance in the world were to take human form, it wouldn't be NEARLY as annoying as this little perv. Seriously, that's more or less his entire character: he is a shameless, lecherous pervert who goes to excessive lengths to sneak peeks at girls' bosoms and panties, occasionally grabbing them and causing the girls much distress. He always preaches about how he "Just wants peace and quiet" and yet it's pretty obvious from his interactions with his smoking-hot neighbor that he's been like this forever, peeking at her and getting karate-chopped as a result. He is ALWAYS the one getting in the way of the peace and quiet he so desires and never makes any effort to get his life under control.Look, I get that teenagers are notoriously horny, but nowhere NEAR Tomoki's hormone levels. The unbelievable amount of sex on Tomoki's mind combined with that grating voice of his make him eye-gougingly irritating whenever he's on screen.AND HE'S THE FOCUS OF THE SHOW.This is not a show about hot angelic girls coming down to Earth to shake up the status quo with action and sci-fi stuff due to turmoil in their home world. This is a show about how a pervy kid exploits advanced technology to spy on girls even though he has not one, not two, but no less than FOUR sexy women living within twenty feet of his house. He is scum and I hope to never hear of this series again.*sniff* It could've been so much better...
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