| 13 April 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    bob the moo The strength of the names in front of camera and behind it was what brought me to watch this series, despite not knowing much about the story. Our focus is a group of young people who break a political prisoner out of jail, forming a terrorist cell, and fighting directly against the Government and Police's attempts to quash any black power uprising in the UK in the 1970s. As a world it sounds interesting, and it is all delivered with high production values and a sense of time. However it doesn't hang together tonally or in terms of content – and I'm not sure why.We jump around with characters and tones for the whole 6 hours. At times it is almost playful, others tragic; it focuses on messy romantic relationship and affairs; but it doesn't manage to produce a sense of things building as a whole – but rather it remains fragmented across characters, situations, and tone. It does do enough to be engaging, but it is never really compelling or gripping, and I think this is down to its construction as a drama. As I say, cast and production values are all good and plenty to comment on, but they are mostly well served in the moment rather than the sweep.That said, for all its faults, it is too well made to be bad; I enjoyed it while also wanting more from it – and the conclusion felt like a cop-out to get a second season, while also getting rid of its biggest scheduling challenge if it did go ahead.
    RealReviewer1981 Great story, beautiful cast and amazing acting. Its portrayal of educated black people is great. A few angry black woman are trolling the cast because the lead isn't a black woman and this is shameful and unfounded. Id like to point out for every 1 show or movie with a black man/ white woman cast there are 10 with a black woman and white man ie dr who, Scandal, Evertthing everything, monsters ball etc Please grow up and stop being prejudice and disgustingly ignorant .
    up-57005 The erasure of a BW is more than enough for 1 stars. So disappointed that they didn't think it was important to use a black women as the main character and the director thought it was no big deal because he is married to an Indian. So glad that this film series is not succeeding the way it should be and I really hope that it stays that way. Will not be supporting this utter trash.
    redwoodexpatriate This excellently directed and acted series takes an unapologetic look at England's cultural and official reactionary response to immigration from former colonies. With the beginning of self rule in Africa and the last vestiges of colonial power fading into the horizon, all British citizens are forced to choose what the face of the next British century will look like. Guerrilla succeeds by placing this localized struggle in a broader global context. The struggle for human rights has many stories and battles. By watching Guerrilla you will understand what this looked like in England - with all if it's ugliness out in the fresh air for reexamination.