NR | 17 January 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Larry ` (hikergimp) I'm an avid reader and found the Gormenghast novels in a friend's book collection and was planning on reading them when I got the chance.He suggested I could also watch the miniseries, which I did not know existed either. So I cannot yet compare the two to each other. I did however like the miniseries. It was well written and very well acted.Christopher Lee was at his usual best. A surprise (probably just to me and maybe not to others) was Rhys Meyers. I was never really impressed by the authenticity he brings to his roles. However in this movie I HATED him, and I mean that in a good way. I really hated his character, he did a fantastic job; I guess now I'll have to watch some more of his work.The sets were incredible.This is one instance where I'm hoping the books will be as good as the movie.
    Kay Stevens I have been enthralled by Peake and the Groan trilogy since the 1960s. When Gormenghast came up in conversation recently I decided to watch this BBC series again after twelve years, to refresh my memory of it and see how it held up.I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sure, it's flawed, and anyone hoping for a 'faithful' adaptation (is such a thing possible?) will be disappointed. But the stellar cast, superb performances (by most), exhilarating costumes and imaginative hand-made sets (would so hate to see this rendered by state-of-art CGI) make it a very watchable four hours. It's also worth viewing the 'Making of' short if you can.Not having read the books for a while, I found most of the characters lived up to my memory and mental image. Some didn't quite ring true, but on the whole I think was a valiant effort at condensing a three-volume epic into a short TV series.Special praise for Celia Imrie as Gertrude and John Sessions as Prunesquallor - both excellent...but then so was Christopher Lee, Warren Mitchell, June Brown, Stephen Fry, Richard Griffiths, Lynsey Baxter, Zoe Wanamaker...
    Iwannabeadwarftonight Not bad at all! The second episode is the highlight with Ian Richardson portraying the maddening lord Groan with stunning skill. Christopher Lee makes a very sympathetic Flay and John Sessions is terrific as dr. Prunesquallor. Jonathan Rhys Meyers makes a wildly energetic, charismatic and devious Steerpike, which strays from the cold and rational young man depicted in the books. Neve McIntosh is far too old to play the young Fuchia of the first two episodes, but otherwise its hard to fault her. The costumes and the indoors set design is marvelous. The outdoors scenery however is sometimes plain ugly and looks low budget.
    RubyBlueLips When I watched this with a bunch of friends,only me and one other person felt that Steerpike was the protagonist. Everyone else was happy when he was defeated by Titus and found Titus the protagonist. Looking back I do realize that Titus is the "good guy" and Steerpike is the "bad guy" but didn't you find the story of Steerpike too touching to feel hate for him? He had never been loved as a child, and was so helpless in Swelter's kitchens. When he broke free he realized he had to do something in order to ensure that he never went back into his hell-those kitchens. Plus, he is honestly the most charismatic character I've met. It seems natural for people to fall in love with him, like Fuschia did. Why do people feel no empathy for him?~Rock and Roll is a prostitute-it should be tarted up~