Gene Simmons: Family Jewels
Gene Simmons: Family Jewels
| 07 August 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Izzy Adkins The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    bellab1972 These so called reality shows are becoming a menace on TV! I can't believe how many "reality shows" are being produced! Yes, I can, they are cheap, easy to make and idiots watch them! If anyone believes that any of these reality shows are a snapshot of real life then they are idiots! I believe that these shows are detrimental to the younger generation because there are impressionable youngsters that follow the kardashians and crap like this show and strive for a similar life which doesn't exist! This show is another example of scripted bullsh..t that pretends to be real life! Simmons should retire with dignity if that is possible for a self professed hoare that treats women like middle eastern scum! Shannon, or what ever her name is, is very inappropriate with her son! My god, I would never say do you want a little head as a joke to my son! Maybe the Botox and fillers have seeped into her brain! The script writers for this show should be ashamed along with the producers of crap like this! The only people who love this show are Kiss fans who don't care that the lead singer had to hide his face due to being so grotesque! Why do you think they hid their faces? He is awful and I wouldn't go near him! I bet he had to wear the makeup to pick up women because on looks and personality he would still be a virgin! I am sick of these shows and can't wait for quality programs to be produced but I am afraid that because simpletons are watching this crap the producers will continue to make poor quality programs! It is up to us, the public to wake up and stop the wave of so called reality programs if we want a selection of good programs!
    Nick Damian Another letdown in television - which is why I don't really enjoy watching television shows.Bad movies I can forgive - even the totally horrible ones, but television I can't...especially the so-called "reality" shows.This is so far fetched, it's horrible. It's beyond horrible.What is so good about this that it has a second or third season? Nothing! The guy is a self centred, pompous, ignorant DICK.He makes everybody who is not his family seem to be his subordinates and his personal beating ground.Maybe it's written this way and maybe even this part may be real - however - it is pretty sad to see on every show. It is sad to see how he degrades people for either amusement or his self pride, which appears to be over-hyped.While KISS may have been a big band in the 70's and early 80's and even to some degree - awesome; in 2009 they are faded like well worn jeans.He has no sparkle, he has no charm, his intelligence is below average and his family supports him with high praise for it.In the episodes I've watched, all he does is seem to gloat about how big and special he is. Really he's not.For him to walk around town in a carefree manner and not show dignity to fellow people who ask him for autographs when he is stranded in a desert or to ignore them when they stop him on the street and wave - is direful to wathc and also mundane.To see atrocious "real" events where the family loses or damages his KISS artifacts and souvenirs and then to have to shop around the LA area to get them back was just retarded. If they didn't replace them, GENE would be upset. WHAT CROCK! Gene's car breaks down on the highway and he needs a lift into town...but yet even with a camera crew beside him, cars pass him by and he has to walk. BULL! Then he gets into town and with camera crew in tow, he can not get a ride to Vegas or use a phone...yeah, whatever. Nobody wants to help him - the poor soul.Then his son goes to a hotel and has to rent a room and sleep with all his band mates in a single bed...even though the rest of the motel rooms are close to empty. (maybe they ran out of money...oh have pity on them.) Not only that, but after the first night staying in the motel, their van is broken into and all their gear stolen - while being parked outside their room!!! Unbelievable? No - it's true....really! There was a camera crew to film it all - and in such a small town also - where there is nobody around. Where crime is next to a van which has almost no windows; there's was the only van vandalized and property stolen! Yeah - really!!! To me, the show comes off as a hyped up, pshycotic episodes of ignorant, callus, self indulgent, greedy shallow people who have nothing better to do than fuel up Gene's ageing ego with flattery and Shannon's failing beauty.She used to be hot and like every other female and male model and non-model, loses her looks as she's priming on - however we are not able to forget that she was a centrefold - because it's borough up in every episode, every few minutes - just in case we forget it.Well she wasn't hot then and she's a mess now.All the makeup and hair-dye will not cover it.Comparable to THE OSBOURNES, this is even worse.Yep, Gene's got some cash and he loves to flash it around and let us know and by creating this sad product, we are sadly giving him even more.
    sdjar42 I love this show, I am pleasantly surprised at the down to earth family life of Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed. In spite of his stardom, Gene allows his son to be a prince too. This just says worlds about his character. And he loves his Mom!!!! The Simmons are delightful, funny and smart. I hope we get more of "Gene Simmons: Family Jewels". As a side note, I am moved by Gene's Mother's history. She instilled in her son the ability to love brilliantly. His partner and children reflect this love in their lovingness as does his mom. I am struck , not with the wealth but the wealth of love in this family. I strongly recommend this show to everyone I know and really hope for it's success.
    zira1905 1) The show is a rip off of the Osbourne's 2) they have no personalities 3) its like a cheap boring versions of the Osbourne's 4) kids are geeks 5) The show is cut together dreadfully - looks like a media student did it in their spare time. 6) the show is dreadful and comes across as totally scripted 7)If only they could act! 8) It comes across like the family is fictional 9) "The Waltons 2006" Should have been the title 10) to conclude your better of twiddling your thumbs that watching this crap.They got it wrong when they devised this Gene should stick to Rock school!