TV-MA | 13 April 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
    Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    enilenis On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.That's Gantz in a nutshell - an endurance test. Throw people into a hostile environment and see how long they'd last. Examine whether cooperation, competition or isolation yield better result under extreme conditions.Major complaint is that the series is too long for the amount of story it presents. Sure, most of what you see is filler material, but beneath the mush hide few original and clever ideas.First off, the main protagonist is the opposite of the conventional hero. He's not transformed into one either. He starts from repulsive and transitions into a violently destructive individual without actually becoming a "hero".Secondly, the series defies positive progression. Most characters brought into the plot die shortly after. If the knowledge gained about the mysterious Gantz device is not passed onto someone with better survival record, then the information is lost until someone else re-discovers it through experimentation.The characters battle to establish structure among people refusing to accept anyone's authority. Since no one knows exactly what's going on, each theory presented by a random newcomer is equally valid. Temporary alliances form and break, but in the end there are no winners or losers.I found myself enjoying the series more than I though I would due to its lack of predictability. As a viewer, you do end up sharing experience with the characters. To each problem multiple solutions are proposed, giving you a chance to pick sides and see how it all plays out.
    ballound I don't really know why did I start watching this... But it is worth my time. I want to write this just to answer to those who hated the show due to violence, nudity and weird stuff that did happen in the anime, and say that only perverts and anime fans will like it.In my whole life this is the second anime that I see. Never liked the genre, but a friend of mine made me watch Death Note, and I enjoyed a lot. So on I accidentally found Gantz and started watching it, and the story absorbed me until the end. It is quite weird because during the show, you don't really feel like you are part of the story, nor you want to be on it. You just see it from outside, and judge the situation from this point. Even Kei's pervert thoughts that look so pathetic, times goes on and you understand that you had this stupid toughts too. Yes the story is kinda slow, but still it is enjoyable.Why does it have so much gore and nudity? I guess to restrict the ages. I mean this story is not for kids, even if it did not have that gore scenes and nudity, this story is for mature people. The message given in the anime, is definitely not for kids.Don't listen to those who say that this is just for anime fan-boys. If you enjoy scy-fi whit some intellectual label such as The Matrix Trilogy, and similar stuff, you'll like this. It will is not nice to watch all this blood and violence, but world is kinda like that...
    ocana2001 I think Gantz is an excellent anime. It is not for children because is very violent and has sexual scenes, but for adults (guys in particular) is OK. I think that Gantz is an intense thriller with unexpected situations that make the anime great. If you watch this anime you should have and open mind so you can perceive the philosophical themes. The story is weird, as human life by itself, what I try to say is that as the characters in the anime appear one day in a room and they must survive, we born one day in a room and we must to survive too. Sorry because of my English, I still learning.Watch Gantz and enjoy it, please, and don't forget to reflect on the themes.
    soloriamagic08 If you have seen the Saw movies then you should know what I'm talking about. This anime is like the devils spawn of them. A group of people( dead people) are transported to a room in an abandoned apartment minutes after their deaths.In the room is a black ball with a person in it. This is Gantz, and he's a sadistic bastard.Cue the mind rapes and psychological trauma among other things. You have just walked into hell trust me. You can return back to the real world but there's a catch. Gantz likes to play, and the game he likes to play can cost you your life. The game is simple. It's seek and destroy. If you're alive after the time limit is up you get to go home fully restored. You die you stay dead.However, your life belongs to Gantz and he can, and will, call you back to the game whenever he feels like it.Oh yea gantz doesn't explain the rules to you. On purpose. If you break his rules, that he doesn't tell you about in the first place, then let's just say seeing you in any more episodes becomes slim(er).What exactly is Gantz, and w.t.f. does he want no ones knows. The anime never explains it and I'm not sure if the manga does either.This anime is full of nudity, sex, violence, and gore. Oh god the violence and gore. It's definitely M or even AO material.Pros- Everybody can die and god damn they can die horribly. No one has plot armor. If you are transported into Gantz's game, no matter if you have main character stamped to you, you can die as easily as everybody else. I like this because it's realistic. No one likes an immune hero. Its gets boring when you know no matter how many limbs, and blood they lose they will survive over and over. Looks at you Bleach.However, the one bad thing about this is it's easy to get attached to the characters, well some of them anyway, but since everybody can die it's a good chance you'll not be seeing them alive for much longer.Dialouge- Most of it was so good. So realistic. I laughed at quite a few bits even in a sadistic, dark anime like this. However, there were some bad nuggets.Visuals- the people looked real. You can actually imagine them in everyday life.Voice acting- I don't see why a lot of people hated the voice acting. I quite liked it. The voices for each character suited them.Music- creepy and fits the scenes. Love the intro music.Cons- This anime is not particular nice to female characters. The main character is likable in a jerkass with a heart of gold kinda way, and I use the heart of gold part lightly. However, he is sex crazy.EVERYTHING regarding sex in this anime is a direct result of his antics.I know its part of his personalty, and him being male unfortunately, but they could have toned it down a bit.The to dumb to live idiot ball gets passed around a lot.Characters take their sweet time trying to kill the things that are trying to kill them. I understand being passive but this is going overboard. Way to much naive idealistic talking goes on as well.What makes the idiot ball even more profound is that gantz, the sadistic chess-master, sends them to kill things that weren't bothering anyone in the first place.So if they had just left well enough along until time ran out then well what might have been...Gantz cheats. A lot. To the point that even getting half of the people to come back alive is nearly impossible.