TV-PG | 10 March 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    AmandaAdams Poorly written, poorly directed and with a mediocre cast, The Fixer caps this by its message of 'the only way to fix things is through violence'. And the Brits wonder why their youth are killing each other. The idea for The Fixer is as old as the hills – a righter of wrongs. It was brilliantly done back in the heyday of British television by series such as The Saint, The Avengers and many others. But while the Saint, Steed and Purdy were aspirational figures, would anyone want their son or daughter to grow up to be like anyone in The Fixer? I hope not. Nothing about The Fixer is aspirational, and that also applies to its production values. Set in a series of dingy apartments in dingy parts of London where the sun never shines, the production adopts the hand held camera documentary approach much of the time, succeeding in giving the impression that this is real life rather than fiction. Perhaps much of London and Londoners are like that, but couldn't it be done with a bit more style? American series manage it. Couldn't we have a couple of characters to root for? According to Wikipedia, the viewing figures for The Fixer had halved by the end of the first six episodes, suggesting that thankfully the viewers have had their fill of this irresponsible glorification of violence. Let's hope the viewers have disappeared altogether by the end of the next six. That way the network bosses might just get the message.
    paulusar I have watched the first three episodes of this show and was very impressed and entertained. Of course this is fiction, such goings on would not be allowed in real life. There is no harm in fantasizing about "what if" and producing good entertainment. Spooks, made by the same people is literally one of the best TV shows I have ever seen in over 50 years of TV viewing. I started watching TV in the early 50's when there was only one channel (BBC) to watch. The actors in this show are very likable and the plots seem to be in touch with the reality of modern day life in Britain. I realize that some foreign viewers found some of the language difficult to follow, but this show was written for the domestic TV audience and British people will understand it.
    dalkdee It's has been ages since a show with good casting and writing has been produced in Britain. Normally you only see this kind of writing style some of the mini series produced by the BCC. This kind of show is what is needed to compete with that of what we have to watch from America. The dialog is good,funny even when unexpected, the character establishment is just right. there is enough action. Evin in the first episode the characters are not only established for who they are but also some of them have their own personal revelations. after watching the first episode I am satisfied that foundation concept for this show will unravel into a very charming story. A must see!
    journalist1 A very strong cast with interesting plot lines. I am fascinated at the interaction between the four main characters, fractious yet bound together by circumstances beyond their control; however these are situations of their own making, each wounded with many redeemable qualities, attributes that may save or destroy them.The action scenes are direct, no nonsense yet never indulgent, in your face violence that reflects the nature of the beast with great realism.The situations the team find themselves in, dealing with issues most worrying the public at the moment, how to manage some of the problems that exist in our society that traditional policing can't or won't act upon, damage control as it were, perhaps for incompetent political policy at the highest level?