| 09 March 1976 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    Mister_D_Loomis Just recently caught many of the episodes on Decades TV weekend binge. When the show was on in the late 70's I never watched it because it wasn't a comedy and it was an hour (a whole hour!) and I was a kid.Now that 40 years have passed I was delighted to find it as well preserved and as timeless as it is. The stories are well written, characters are well-rounded and intelligent but fallible and realistic. Although set in the very familiar 70's the content of the stories are adaptable to any generation since. Family is one of those shows that is very easy to binge watch. Watching the children grow up in the same time-frame in which we all grew up at the same time is definitely the draw for me and each episode offers something or someone interesting. Whether it's the styles of the time or the endless guest stars who went on to more notable careers of their own, this show is a gem.
    Adam Errington The TV series "Family" from 1976 to 1980 stands head and shoulders above any other family based show I have seen. It is very well observed, going right to the heart of family issues.The writing and acting style is superb, allowing the viewer time to reflect on the issue and fill in the gaps them self. (This is the most engaging style of TV drama, which is also demonstrated in the family scenes in The Sopranos TV series.)It may sound a bit 'naff' but it has deepened my own understanding of the profound nature of family life. This show demonstrates how family life can be conducted with courage and style.
    golanbar99 As a young adult in the mid 1970's to early 1980's, I greatly enjoyed watching all original episodes of this TV show. This series is of the highest artistic quality and adheres to the highest standards. The screenplay pauses long enough to flesh out each of its characters in depth, allowing the viewer to feel deeply for the characters. The show makes you feel great sympathy for the daily existential struggle of ordinary people in their search for love and purpose in their lives. This series is one of those rare works of art that is intelligent, smart, insightful, and life-affirming. It is a beautiful story, an emotionally moving experience that that helps make the world a little better place. I am hoping that all original episodes of 'Family' will be issued on DVD soon --- I would very much like to watch this series all over again.
    mgross-2 Having just finished watching Homefront again on TVLand, it occurred to me that Family would be an ideal show for them to run. It has everything a successful show should have -- excellent story line, terrific cast and acting and great family appeal. There are very few shows on today that can compare to all that Family has to offer.May I suggest that anyone interested, please contact TVLand and see if we can persuade them to run this series as they did Homefront.
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